EVA-8M and EVA-M8 series - Hardware Integration Manual
UBX-16010593 - R06
Product handling & soldering
Page 30 of 47
Early Production Information
Product handling & soldering
Packaging, shipping, storage and moisture preconditioning
For information pertaining to reels and tapes, Moisture Sensitivity levels (MSD), shipment and
storage information, as well as drying for preconditioning see the
EVA-M8 Data Sheet [1] and the
EVA-8M Data Sheet [2].
ESD handling precautions
ESD prevention is based on establishing an Electrostatic Protective Area (EPA). The EPA can be a
small working station or a large manufacturing area. The main principle of an EPA is that there are no
highly charging materials in the vicinity of ESD sensitive electronics, all conductive materials are
grounded, workers are grounded, and charge build-up on ESD sensitive electronics is prevented.
International standards are used to define typical EPA and can be obtained for example from
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
GNSS receivers are sensitive to ESD and require special precautions when handling. Particular care
must be exercised when handling patch antennas, due to the risk of electrostatic charges. In addition
to standard ESD safety practices, the following measures should be taken into account whenever
handling the receiver.
Unless there is a galvanic coupling between the local GND (i.e.
the work table) and the PCB GND, then the first point of contact
when handling the PCB shall always be between the local GND
and PCB GND.
Before mounting an antenna patch, connect ground of the
Local GND
When handling the RF pin, do not come into contact with any
charged capacitors and be careful when contacting materials
that can develop charges (e.g. patch antenna ~10 pF, coax cable
~50-80 pF/m, soldering iron, …)
To prevent electrostatic discharge through the RF input, do not
touch the mounted patch antenna.
When soldering RF connectors and patch antennas to the
receiver’s RF pin, make sure to use an ESD safe soldering iron
Failure to observe these precautions can result in severe damage to the GNSS receiver!
Soldering paste
Use of "No Clean" soldering paste is strongly recommended, as it does not require cleaning after the
soldering process has taken place. The paste listed in the example below meets these criteria.
Soldering Paste:
OM338 SAC405 / Nr.143714 (Cookson Electronics)
Alloy specification:
Sn 95.5/ Ag 4/ Cu 0.5 (95.5% Tin/ 4% Silver/ 0.5% Copper)
Melting Temperature: 217° C
Stencil Thickness:
100 to 150 µm for base boards
The final choice of the soldering paste depends on the approved manufacturing procedures.