ANT-B10 - User guide
UBX-22006906 -
Configuration and mounting
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Configuration and mounting
Configuring and testing the board
After connecting ANT-B10 to the USB port, a serial port (COM port on Windows) becomes available
on the host. Connect the COM port to a terminal emulator or use the s-center tool
with the
following port settings:
115200 kbps
8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1)
Flow control enabled using RTS/CTS
A green LED light indicates that the board is powered on.
Having connected the COM port, the board is ready to receive AT commands. For information about
the AT commands to use for configuring direction finding, see
s-center supports specific direction-finding AT commands in the AoA tab, as shown in
. The
COM port can also be configured as a terminal for use with AT commands.
Once the system is setup, each anchor reports angle calculation events (
) over the serial port
connection. ANT-B10 returns events similar to the following when it detects a beacon:
The data reported in these events can be used to estimate a position of the tracked beacon. The
parameters of the
event are (in order from left to right):
Eddystone instance ID
RSSI of 1
Azimuth angle
Elevation angle
Detected advertising channel, that is, one of the normal Bluetooth Low Energy advertisement
channels (37, 38 or 39)
Anchor ID as set by
User defined strings as set by
For a detailed description of the
event parameters, see also
In the angle calculation events shown above, the beacon is moving from one side of the anchor to the
other as the azimuth angle. Given as the third parameter in the command (shown in bold), the beacon
moves from a positive value (20) to a negative value (-10).
The optimal distance between anchor nodes and tags is approximately 2
15 m.