TYROMONT Alpin Technik GmbH
, Bert-Köllensperger-Str. 6, 6065 Thaur, Austria I
+43 5223 23723-0 I
+43 5223 23723-10 I
TYR_Operating_Instruction_LVS_Trainings_Tool_v22_10 .docx I
160823 ER I
14.11.2022 LO I
4 to 8
T y r o m o n t A l p i n T e c h n i k G m b H
| B e r t - K ö l l e n s p e r g e r - S t r a s s e 6 | A T - 6 0 6 5 T h a u r
w w w . t y r o m o n t . c o m
+ 4 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 7 2 3 - 0 |
+ 4 3 5 2 2 3 2 3 7 2 3 - 1 0
e - m a i l
i n f o @ t y r o m o n t . c o m
This document describes the 457 kHz transmitter TT2022 as well as the coupling layer template of the
The 457 kHz transmitter TT2022 in combination with the coupling layer template made of technical
fabric is the perfect equipment for training the basic knowledge of three-antenna avalanche
transceivers, especially the basic knowledge on the subject of range. The range depends on the two
factors of reception characteristics and antenna orientation (coupling position) between transmitter
and receiver.
The transmitting power of the TT2022 is reduced by a factor of 10, which makes it possible to illustrate
at a short distance of 120 cm how the range in the search phases signal search and coarse search
depends on the coupling position and how this also affects the directional display in the receiving mode
Main Features
Ideal set for avalanche training on the subject of range and its dependence on the coupling position
Set consisting of a transmitter and a technical fabric with representations of three possible coupling
layer graphics as a template
Transmitter works on the international standard frequency of 457 kHz and is therefore compatible
with all avalanche transceivers
Transmitting field strength reduced by a factor of 10 compared to standard ETS 300718
Simple operation, immediately ready for use
Battery powered
Very long battery life
Small dimensions and weight
Electronics and design Design of the coupling layer templates Graphics developed and
manufactured in Switzerland (Girsberger Elektronik AG)
Housing developed and manufactured in Austria (Tyromont GmbH)
Avalanche Transceiver Operating Modes
Send / Senden
Send / Senden
mode is activated after switching on, and the avalanche transceiver is attached to
the body during the tour by means of a carrying system.
All avalanche transceiver a pulse in the form of electromagnetic waves (field lines) on the X antenna on
the internationally standardised frequency 457 kHz approx. once per second (pulse duration approx. 70
to 140 ms).
Note: Manufacturer-specific position-dependent switching from X to Y antenna possible!
However, these waves (field lines) are not directly visible and are difficult to visualise. On the coupling
layer template, the field lines and their course are therefore shown in simplified form as white lines
starting from the X antenna of the transmitter.
The closer the individual field lines are to each other (closer to the transmitter), the stronger the signal.