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Security System
Quick Reference Guide
To arm entire system – both interior and perimeter
Close all windows and doors (the green Ready light will turn ON)
• Press and hold (Away) for 2 seconds (the keypad will beep rapidly
5 times and the red Armed light will turn ON)
• Exit premises before the delay time expires
To disarm system when you return
When you enter through the door, the keypad will emit a steady warning tone
• Enter your 4-digit Master Code or User Code (the armed light will turn OFF)
• If you make an error, press and enter the 4-digit code again
To arm perimeter of building and still move freely inside
• Press and hold (Stay) for 2 seconds
To arm system with door or window open
Press while disarmed
• The Bypass light will flash
• Enter the 2-digit zone number to be bypassed
• To exit the Bypass function press
To silence alarm
Enter your 4-digit Master Code or User Code
When trouble light comes on
• Some keypads will describe the Trouble (full-message keypads); others will
only identify the Trouble number (fixed-message and LED keypads)
• If Trouble number 8 is lit, the time and date needs to be reset
• For all other trouble conditions, contact your security provider
To set time and date
and enter the 4-digit Master Code
• 1 long beep indicates an error, press and enter the Master Code again
• After 4 short beeps, press then 10 digits, 2 each for the hour, minute,
month, day and year (HH:MM MM/DD/YY)
- Use a 24-hour clock (e.g. 8:30 pm = 20:30)
- Use 2 digits each to indicate the month and day (e.g. March 8 = 03 08)