11.2.1 Base Size
On the left hand side is a user defined value called Base Size, by default this is zero which
turns off this function. If the user is using identical monitors on a layout then the Base Size
has no function. If however the user is wanting to position different size monitors on a
layout then the base size function can aid in producing the desired positioning and sizing.
The user needs to know the horizontal widths of all the monitors and their resolutions must
be identical that he plans to use on the layout. This does not have to be in any particular
type of units, mm, inches, pixels are all possible.
The user should then set the Base Value to the largest value of all the monitors he
proposes to use. Now when each output is selected onto a layout a new variable appears
for setting, this is the size of each monitor. By typing in the horizontal value for each
monitor the software will correctly size the screen on the layout for positioning.
This method optimises the layout resolution to the CORIOmaster’s internal operation.
Monitors should not have Layout areas greater in size than the resolution of the monitor.
In this situation the larger 300 unit wide monitor will receive directly 1920x1080 layout
area. Whilst the smaller 200mm monitors will have the 1280x720 area of the layout
upscaled to 1920x1080 before sending to the smaller monitors.