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Страница 2: ...RMswith the 41440AInterface 2 M In Service Monitoring 2WNx64 Out of SeniceBERT Wf Service V 35Testing DSOA Out of SeniceTesting Out of Senice RS232 Testing Frame lay Out of Service Frame Relay In Service Frame Relay IPPing AppppUCati0 Frame Relay In Senice Monitoring Frame Relay localConndvityTest linkManagementVerification Frame RelayEnd to End Conneclivity Tesl Fane RelayIP Ping Test Full TI T1 ...
Страница 3: ...m 1 A MODE FULLT1 ENTER ANALYSISMODE Accessthe Tl ETIinterface Access the CONFIGURATIONmenu Scrollthroughthelistuntilyoureachtheappropriateframingof your circuit e g D4 ESP SLP or OFF Scrollthrough the List untilyou reachthe appropriatecodingof your circuit e g B8ZSorAM Scroll through the list and set to DSXMON assuming DSX access Seeadditionalselections Scrollthrough the listand setto LIY Scrollt...
Страница 4: ...LVL dB PP LVLv RCV FREQ BipolarViolalions Frame Emors CRCE r m n ESFframingonly Frame Loss Bit Slips applicableonlywith a REFCl PositiveReceive Signallevel Negative Receive SignalLevel Peak to PeakReceiveSignallevel volts ReceiveFrequenrj ITable 2 Interface Status LEDs CODE ALM 1 ALM 2 Illuminateswhen B8ZScadingis being received Illuminateswhen aYellowAlarm is detected Illuminateswhen an ExcessZer...
Страница 5: ... ScmUthmughthe listuntilyou reach the appropriatecodingof your circuit e g B8ZS orMI 2c INPUT Scrollthrough the list and set to TERM 2d MORE Seeadditionalselectiom 2e RESULT ScmUthrough the list and set to S I I 2f LBO ScmUthrough the list and set the LineBuildOutto0 dB FmT1 Scrollthrough the list and set to BRDG 2h A Press the A up mw key on the keypad to return to the previousmenu 3 ERRINS Set t...
Страница 6: ...s the LOOPmenu Select which piece of equipmentyou want to loop back Press MOREfor additionalselectionsif needed Press the A up mow key on the keypad to return to the LOOP menu Set the HREBERD 6000 to AUTO automalically respondsto a received loop code or NONE Press the A up mw key on the keypad ice to return to the TILT1 main menu Selecta channel 1 24to be displayedin the RCV BITE result Selectthe ...
Страница 7: ...test Verifythat A FlREBERD6000 s PATIERN SYNCl a isillumhated indicatinga signalis present B PlREBERD6000 sFRMSYNCI J D isilluminated if FRMSYNCisnot illuminated goback toStep2nand select the appropriateframe format MlE To a loopback test press tbeLOOP UPkeyon tbeINlBREACE STATIISundCONTROLsection o f tbePLRBBBRD 6000 TableI listsimportuntAU4YLSISRBSULTS thats W bec h M ITeble 7 Analysis Results E...
Страница 8: ...dlowing Table 2 Interface Status LEDs CODE ALM 1 ALM 2 Illuminateswhen B8ZS codingis beingreceived Illuminateswhen aYellowAlarm is detected illuminateswhen anExcessZeros Alarm is deteaed TelsommunldoM Technlqow C o n t i o n 20400 Obmtion D r i v e Germantown Mvylvld20876 Tel 800 638 2049 301 353 1550 MD PAX 301 353 0234 lTC Technical Support d 1 800 638 2049 F86000 Tl kTl BERF cud2 2 3 97 Artisan...
Страница 9: ...roughthelistuntilyou reachtheappropriateframingof your circuit e g D4 ESF SLP 96 or Om Scmllthroughthe list untilyou reachthe appropriated m g of your circuit e g BSZS or AM Scrollthrough the list and set to TERM Seeadditional selections Scrollthrough the list and set to SID Scrollthrough the list and set the LineBuildOut to 0 dB Scrollthrough the list and set to m Press the A up mow key on the ke...
Страница 10: ...istsinrporrantAN4YLFISRBSULTS tbatsbould bechecked ITable 1 Analysis Results T CARRIBR RXABCD ReceiveALW bits Table2 isa listo f IiWEREACBSTATUSLBDs 117bm iUuminatedeacho f t k statusD s m n t kfollauing ITable 2 Interface Status LEDs CODE Illuminateswhen B8ZS ccdingis being received ALM 1 Illuminateswhen aYellowAlarm isdetected ALM 2 illuminateswhen an ExcessZerosAlarm is detected MTR Usingtbismo...
Страница 11: ...MODE MORE T1 403 rn ANALYSIS MODE AccesstheT I N 1 interface AccesstheCONFIGURATIONmenu ScmUthrough thelist and set toESP framing Scrollthroughthelist untilyoureachthe appropriatecodingof your circuit e g BSZSorAMI ScmU through the list and set to DSXMON wuming DSX access Seeadditionalselections ScmU throughthe list andset to LIV Scrollthroughthe list and setto IMDG ResstheA uparmwkey onthekepiito...
Страница 12: ...s Far EndBW Seconds Par EndControlledSlipSeconds Far EndCRC ErrorEvents Fat EndCRC 1 B i n Far EndCRC 2 to 5 Bin End CRC 6 to 10Bin Par EndCRC11 to 100Bin Far EndCRC 101 to 319 Bii Far EndCRC 320 to 333 Bin Far EndSeverely High C R CBin Far EndPerformance Report Seconds Far EndF ayioad Sourcehwpback Table2 isa list ofNIBWACB STAl USLBDs Wkn Wbenminatedtncho f tkstatusLhDs meantkfoUowing ITable2 In...
Страница 13: ...t to MON Press the A upurow key on the keypad to return to the 2MINx64 mainmenu Accessthe MODE menu Monitorthe entire ZM bandwidth PressBNIHllon the keypadto returnto the main menu Select C O m O U S IPart 2 PerFonning the Test 1 PressBESWRTto deualvmsandb the test Verifythat A PIREBERD 6000 s PATlBRN Yhk LED is illuminated indicatinga is p 1 B PIREBERI 6000 s INRI SYNCLED isillmimed ifINRI SYNCis...
Страница 14: ... W A S Errors if 1 6 i sm e REBE Errors Bit Slips usedw i t hRRTl CodeErrors perEllT0 161 PositiveReceiveS ilevel NegativeReceive Signallevel ReceiveFrequency lTC Technical Support d 1 800 638 2049 PB6000 2M h S ce Cardl 1 3 97 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com ...
Страница 15: ...uild Out to 0 dB Press the A uparrow key on the keypad to return to the 2MINx64 mainmenu Accessthe MODE menu Test the entire 2M bandwidth Press the A up mw key on the kqlndto retum to the 2MNx64 mainmenu Access the BRROR MSBRllON menu PressMB md h m eacherror typeOW Press the A up mw key on the keypadto return to the 2 W x 6 4 mainmenu See additionalselections Select the timedot 0 31to be displaye...
Страница 16: ...ern Additional stress patterns are lo catedon thefrontpanel or inAUX 41 Pressthe M O M keyas uecessaty in AUX 41 to seethe additionalpatterns ScmU through the list and set to SWlX to generate internal timing or IWFto recovertiming fromthe network SelectCONTINUOUS N O M u l t alignmentsi aUow meiw ngequipmenttoa theappmpriateABCD signalingbitswitbtbeirmspond ing voicechannels Setting theNPASandMFAS...
Страница 17: ...ctive ReceivedTimeslotByte PositiveReceiveSignal Level NegativeReceiveSigndlevel GeneratorClockFrequency ReceiveFrequency AIS Seconds FAS DistantA l m Seconds MEAS DistantAlarm Seconds T 2 isalist o fIMgRPAQI STATIiSLEDs W b e ni l l u m i n a t e deacho f tbestahrs LhDs rnantbefhhdng ITable 2 Interface Status LEDs CODE ALM1 ALM2 Not in use onthe 41800interface Illuminateswhen aPAS DistantAlarm is...
Страница 18: ... DATA Scrollthroughthe listandseledadatapatlera htHB Bitbera 511or2047pattem istmmnrendadfor datam t e sk h u e e n 2 4 kWsand256k W s 7 GEN CU voUthroughthelistands to toree clwkhthe m 8 TIMING MODE ScmUthroughthe list andsetto SYNC 9 ANALYSIS MODE Select CONIWUOUS 10 l r l M n R presstoilluminateboth signalleads seaingthemto HIGH NOTE T k tion betmtw V 35 or 306isdejbdmt upontk timing to tbe cir...
Страница 19: ... CLK UlSS Countof Clocklosses NOTE Ifyou me receivingah r g enumberofenors your received clock maybefe Ifthereceivedclockismissingwunusable ahrge numberof C D ChX cbrmges is an indication theFIRBLEW 6 WR d Clock option option6W4 enuhks tbeDm toextracta clockfrom the receiueddata Tbiswillenuhkyou todetermine whethertbetransmisfionlinewtheclock is tbesourceoferrors SeethesetupbelorujbrusingtheR d C ...
Страница 20: ...DSOA Binterface Access the DATA POIMATmenu SelectaDSOA format Scrollthroughthe list untilyou reachthe approprialedatam e of your circuit e g 2 4 4 8 9 6 19 2 or 56 Ws Press the A up arrow key on the keypadtwhto rehm to the DSONBmenu Selectthe lMgllPACB CODING menu SelectLNEAR to test the local DSU CSU if a c m is at the OCU DP SelectLPAR a test the distaot DSU CSU if access is at the OCU DP Select...
Страница 21: ...ypadto return to the main menu Recommended dara palterns are 63 511 2047 a n d DDS 1 6 sums patterns located in A L R 41 Selectcomous IPart 2 Perfonming the Test OncethePIRE eRD60W isproper conjguredandcab ed initiatealoopcodesequencebypressingtheLOOPUPsofiky At the cm1usion ofthe kst presstheZ00PDO sofiky to restorethe cimit to normaloperntion 1 PressRRWARTto clear alarmsand begin the test Verify...
Страница 22: ...portableDDSCode C u m t Byte L Tabk2 is a list o f IMliRFAO STWUSLWs W h e nilluminatedeacho f tbestahrs UDsmean tbefouauing ITable 2 Interface Status LEDs CODE ALM 1 Illuminateswhen the interface is conlipred to receivea DSOBsignalat anyrate or a D S O A at 19 2kb s and the interfacehas synchronizedto the appropriatefnming Illuminates when the interface has initiated an altermting loopback and is...
Страница 23: ...he list and select a datapattern N O Y E Eitkr 511or2047pattem isrecommmdedford rates men 2 4kb sand64kbh Scrollthough the Ustand s d to IhTFto receive clock fmm the DCE Scrollthroughthe list and set to SYNC SelectComNuoUs Presstoilluminateboth slgnal leads settingthantoHIGH IPart 2 Performing the Test 1 Press IIBSIARTto dearalarmsand begin the test Verifythat A PIREBERD6000 sPATIXIINSYNC L E Dis ...
Страница 24: ...ingorunu a knge number o f C D CM cbnges is alsoan indidion tbePIRh 6RD 60W R e c m d Clock Option Option6004 maMes tbeDlE to extract a clockfmm tbe d data TbiswiUenableyou to determine wbetberthetrrmrm line or tbeclock is tbesourn o f m See thesetup belowfor using tbeRecoveredclock Option d 1 Set TLHMGMODR toRBCoVD tbisenables thePIREBERD 60Wto m o m timingfrom tram tionsin tbe incomingdata 2 P r...
Страница 25: ...ns in tkfmme day Am12 nrenu lWRX LNWfCT TYPE MORE A RATE A FULL A RXDLCI A Put the FIREEiERD6000into a transmit and receivemode Accessthe LINK MANAGBMBmmenu Select the appropriate link management spedfication e g 617 D LMI or Q933 A See additionalselections Pressthe A up mwkey onthekeypadto return totheLINK MANAGEMENTmenu Access the STATUSPOLLi n W d menu Using the UP DOWN softkqs sei the value to...
Страница 26: ...r conJpration Press the A up arrow key on the keypad M e to return to the FRAMETRANShUTmenu Use the keypad a set the transmitframe minimum and maxi mum length in units of octets Press ENlER to setthe dues Press the A up armw key on the keypad tdce to return to the FRAMEREULY main menu 1Part 2 Performing the Test 1 Press RESTARTto dear almsand begin the test Verifythat A FTREBERD 6000 s PATIERN SYN...
Страница 27: ...MODE beysaredisabIe4 F o h n tbe instnrctim bet in tbeficme reby A U12 menu RX LWGT W E MORE A RATE A PULL A Put the HREBERD6000 intoRBCBlVB mode Access the LINK MANAGEMEWmenu Select the appropriate link management spffifiation e g 617 D LMI or Q933 A See additionalselations Pressthe A up atrow key on thekeypadtoreturntothe LINK MANAGEMENTmenu Access the STATUS P O Uin menu Usingthe UPAIOWN so set...
Страница 28: ...rehunt othePRMlE REUY mainmenu IPatt 2 Performing the Test 1 PmsRBSTAKTto dear alarmsa n d begin the kst Verifythat A mREBBRD 6MWs PATl ERN SYNC Ln is illuminated indicating that the E R D 6000 is receiving d i d framerelayframes l T C Technical Support J 1 800 638 2049 PB6000 Fr Relay In SeNice Cardl 1 3 97 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg co...
Страница 29: ...atransmitandreceivemode Accessthe LINKM A N A G B m menu Select the appropriate link management speufication e g 617 D LMI or Q933 A See additional selections PresstheA up mwkey onthekeypadtoreturntotheLINK MANAGEMENT menu Accm the STATUSPOLLintervalmenu Using the UP DOWN soflkqvs set the value to the corresponding network value e g 10 seconds PresstheA up arrowkey onthekqpadtorelurntotheLINK MANA...
Страница 30: ...ER to set each of thesevalues Press the A upmow key on the keypad to return to the ing menu See additionalselections Choose an encapsulation method e g NLPID NONE or ETHER Prersthe A up mow key on the keypadflue times to re turn to the FRAMERELAY main menu C d I o f 1 I Part 1 Auxiliary 12 Frame Relay cont m m a D d m u m 11Part 2 Performing the Test 1 PressRESTARTto dear alarmsandbegin the test V...
Страница 31: ...tch If not then look below for an explanationofotherresults a DCCI isundefined INACTlVE DCCIisinadive NEW DU3was justadded DELETED DLCIwasjust deleted h OTR T resukisdy ValidrubeRmiton nghflcfntbedimNoafitbe networktotbecustomerononeDLCI hrzFcffi tbecustomertotbenehuonb does not conk WCstatusinfwnration Thisresultshouldbegreaterthanzero Itistheaveragepercentageof linkutilization on the receivedcha...
Страница 32: ...es that a WC exists between frame relay networks and chat frames can be transmitted between h e relay switches If not then look below for an explanationof other results DLCI is undefined MACTlVE DLCI is inactive NEW D m w a sjust added DELETED D m wasjust deleted PERPORMANCE AVG LTIl Thisresult shouldbegreaterthanzero Itisiheaveragepercentageoflinkutilization on the receivedchannelsincethe startof...
Страница 33: ...erifyLink Management Resultsbouldincrement 1fnot LMl keeprlive s i ye notbeingsent ktween the CPE and thePOP switch lTC Technical Support 1800638 2049 W6000 Fr Relay LoclVCudl lf3 97 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instrumentation Guaranteed 888 88 SOURCE www artisantg com ...
Страница 34: ...rkhasestablishedaWCand fnmes can be t r a n s m i t t e dthmugh the KIP switch If not then look belowforan explanationof otherresults I DLCI is unde6ned INACTIVE DLClisinacUve NEW D mwasjustadded DELETED DLCI was justdeleted NOm Thismsult is not d i d wbenAW bas been selectedu uIETR DLCI lTC Technical Support d 1 800 638 2049 FB6000 Fr Relay locavryd1 1I3 97 Artisan Technology Group Quality Instru...
Страница 35: ...dicating validtesth a arebeingreceived If not the faradE l R E B E R D6000 is not transmittingtestframesor the switching networkis not con6guredpmperiy PERFORMANCE A V G m Should compand to the FIXEDrace being transminedby the fu end mReBERD 6000 assumingthis 6xedraceis belowthe near endline me AVG LlTL Result shouldequal 10 assumingboth endshave equal line rates and the frame relay transmit ratei...
Страница 36: ...smittingvalidtestframesorthe frame relay networkis not co gured properly L O R PRM R d tshouldequalzero If resultisincrementing thenframesarebeingdiscarded by thenetwork Possiblecausesoflostframes 1 therearebit errorsat thephysi cal layer or 2 there is congestion in the switchingnetwork frames are dmp ped If thereis congestion PECN FRMsm a increase Telecommumidns TechnlqoesCorpodon 20400 ObseMtion...
Страница 37: ...ackets success loyour PIREEIERD 6000 UISIPNG Result should not increment If so your IIREBERD6000 is not receivingproper echorepliesin responseto hansmitledPing echopackets IPart 2 Determine Roundtrip Delay Throughout the Network Monitortkfouoruing mid F EWORMANCB MINPNG Minimum lime laken for a Ping echo packet lo he hansmitled and an echo replyreceived MAXPNG Maximum time taken for a Ping echo pa...
Страница 38: ...quipment Have surplus equipment taking up shelf space We ll give it a new home Learn more Visit us at artisantg com for more info on price quotes drivers technical specifications manuals and documentation Artisan Scientific Corporation dba Artisan Technology Group is not an affiliate representative or authorized distributor for any manufacturer listed herein We re here to make your life easier How...