C H A P T E R 4
O p e r a t i n g t h e
E l e c t r o s p r a y
Use the information in this chapter to become familiar with how to
prepare liquid solutions and operate the Model 3480 Electrospray
Aerosol Generator.
P r e p a r i n g S a m p l e s
Samples can be prepared and stored using commercially available
materials, handling procedures, and storage equipment. Typically,
a buffer solution is made, the conductivity and pH are adjusted,
and a solid or nonvolatile liquid is dissolved in the buffer solution.
You may find it most convenient to prepare a large (500 mL) buffer
solution adjusted to the desired conductivity and pH, and then
dilute sample material with the buffer solution in a standard
sample vial (1.7 mL centrifuge tube).
Any material or procedure mentioned in this manual is intended for use
by qualified professionals familiar with potential chemical hazards and
trained in safe laboratory procedures.
C a u t i o n
To slow the growth of contaminants in a buffer solution or sample
solution, refrigerate them when not in use. In addition, use caution when
handling sample vials to avoid transferring contaminants to the vial.