PhenoMaster | Hardware Operating Instructions
The operator can define a part of the sensors as the 'center'. This allows the measurement area to be
adapted to suit animal cages with different sizes as well as the definition of two different measuring
ranges (central and peripheral).
To avoid counting scratching or tail flipping, a refractory period can be defined, during which an
additional interruption of a beam will not be counted within a certain period of time.
The CaloSys module
is operated as an open circuit measuring system for determining the
parameters O2 consumption, CO2 production, Respiratory Exchange Rate (RER), heat, difference
O2 (reference air O2 - Box O2), and difference CO2 (Box CO2
- reference air CO2). All these
parameters may be calculated both, offline and online by the system
software, and can be displayed
as required by the investigator. The following values can be stored per measuring interval and serve
as a basis for the calculation of the above mentioned parameters:
Date and time,
O2, CO2, concentration, reference (surrounding air);
Per measuring place: O2 or CO2 concentration, flow, and temperature (optional)
The other parameters are calculated and displayed as required (Graph and Table). This means that
the operator can assemble the required parameters both, in the Table and in the Graph display, print
them out or export them as a *.csv file that can be read, e.g., into spreadsheet or database software.
This is possible both, online with the running data file and also offline.
Calorimetry Result Parameters
Parameter Description
Measurement in the box.
Reference and per box.
Reference and per box.
Reference O2 - Box O2.
Reference CO2 - Box CO2.
O2 consumption
ml/(kg x h) or ml/h
CO2 production
ml/(kg x h) or ml/h
Respiratory Exchange Rate
kcal/(kg*h) or Kcal/h
Also possible in W/kg
Fig. 2 Calorimetry result parameters
*According to system configuration
The standard CaloSys module is available for small animals and consists of the following principal
Special animal cages adapted to the system configuration.
An air supply pump.
Control Units containing the necessary equipment for measuring O2 and CO2 concentrations,
flow, and temperature (optional).
A Sample Switch Unit to draw air samples from the cages.
A Calibration Control Unit.
An Air Drying Unit.
Special control interfaces.
CaloSys module of the system software package.
The numbers and versions of devices correspond with the information given in the order confirmation.