4.1. 1. DR-10 Vessel
This is the DR-10 vessel with the condenser “arm”. All parts of this vessel are supplied by TruSteel.
Parts List
1. 13-gallon vessel with legs
2. Condenser arm with all clamps and valves (vacuum valve, discharge valve)
3. Feed hose (60“ long 1/2” diameter stainless steel braided hose with 1/2” Swagelok tube adaptor/stub)
– Customer is responsible to adpat this hose to their feed vessel
4. Discharge – the discharge can be adapted two different ways. The standard setup is a 1/2” tube
“spiket” that can be discharged into a bucket or jar. The second option is to use the 48” long 1/2”
diameter stainless steel braided hose with a 1/2” Swagelok tube adaptor/stub that the customer can use
with a collection vessel.
5. Compression adapator – used to apply pressure to discharge material from system. Air/N2
compressor NOT supplied by TruSteel.
6. Pressure/Vacuum Gauge
7. Kevlar jacket for vessel
8. Cover for condenser arm
Setup Required by Customer
There is essentially no setup required. You should have a dedicated space for the DR-10 that is next to
the wall separating your C1D2 Room and your Non-C1D2 Utility Room.
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