Trust ISDN USB Modem & Phone System
5.4 Configuration
The configuration program can be used to program the various switchboard functions of the ISDN Modem &
Phone System. The settings are saved in the modem so that they still work when the computer is turned off.
The power adapter must be connected to use the telephone switchboard.
Go to 'Start - Programs - Trust - ISDN Utility' and select 'Configuration Program' from the list to start the
program. See the chapters below for the description of the various tabs:
5.4.1 Incoming Properties / MSN
Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) means that you can subscribe more than one telephone number to a
single ISDN line. In this tab (figure 17), you can subscribe more than one telephone number to each line.
Figure 17: Incoming Properties / MSN
For each line, you can also indicate whether all telephone numbers are redirected (Listen all MSNs) or
whether only the numbers specified are redirected (Listen the specified MSNs). You can select 'Do not
disturb' if you do not wish to redirect any incoming calls.
Activate the 'Enable Call Waiting' option if you wish to be notified of a second incoming call during a call via
one of the analogue lines. You will then hear two short beeps.
Activate the 'Enable Internal Call Forwarding' option if you wish to redirect an incoming call from one line to
another line.
5.4.2 Outgoing
In this tab (figure 18), you can specify which telephone number is sent as 'Calling Party Number' (CPN) with
outgoing calls. This telephone number will then be displayed at the location of the person you call.