Trust ISDN USB Modem & Phone System
5.2 Internet
You may have to make a 'Dial-up' connection in order to connect to your ISP (Internet Service Provider). This
is included in Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows 2000 as standard and is usually automatically
installed when you double-click on the Internet icon.
See Windows Help for more information.
Some Internet providers provide a complete software package for Internet access which makes your
computer suitable for Internet use.
First, check whether your Internet provider supports the multilink PPP connection if you wish to
use both of the ISDN lines available with the ISDN USB Modem & Phone System.
5.3 Diagnostic
If you are not able to make a connection or if the modem does not react, it is recommended to start the
diagnostic software provided. If this has not already been installed, follow the instructions given in chapter
4.1. The diagnosis program is stated as follows:
1. Go to 'Start - Programs - Trust - ISDN Utility' and select 'Diagnostic Program' from the list (see figure 15).
Figure 15: Diagnostic / Test program
2. In the space available for 'Own ISDN Number', fill in the telephone number which is connected to the
ISDN modem.
In some countries, it is also necessary to enter the 'Calling Party Number'. Contact your local
telephone company for more information.
3. Click on the 'Loopback Test' button to start the diagnosis. If all the tests are successful, figure 16 will
appear. If 'OK' was not given for one of the tests, check whether the diver has been correctly installed
and whether the modem is connected to the ISDN network.
Figure 16: Diagnosis successful