Junction: TA-Silenzio, TVA
Fig. 19: Convergence of two airflows
The stated volume flow rate accuracy will be achieved
even when the VAV terminal unit is connected at a
junction and at the point of convergence of two air-
4.6 Affixing/suspension
4.6.1 General information
When designing and constructing ventilation and air
conditioning systems, take into account the require-
ments of VDI 6022, in particular:
Hygienic, clean installation of all components
and their air distribution surfaces
Inspection and cleaning options for VAV terminal
units, e.g. by planning inspection/cleaning open-
ings in the ducting system
Avoidance of leaks
Affix the unit proficiently and only to load-bearing
Load suspension systems only with the weight of
the unit. Adjacent components and connecting ducts
must be supported separately.
Only use approved and sufficiently dimensioned
suspensions for affixing. Secure screw connections
against self-loosening, e. g. by locking them. Affixing
material is not included in the supply package.
Only use the shortest possible drilling screws for
affixing; these must not be screwed into the area of
the damper blade or differential pressure sensor.
4.6.2 Rounded units
Fig. 20: Installation example TVR-*
Terminal unit, rounded, e. g. TVR
Air direction arrow e. g. on the scale sticker
Drilling screw for affixing to the ducting
Suspension, e. g. with threaded rod
Fig. 21: Examples of fixings for rounded units
Affixing to pipe clamps
Affixing to suspension element
Affixing/suspension > Rounded units
VAV terminal units VARYCONTROL