The menu "Code format" to adjust for the ISO-data format.
The ISO 11784/11785 Standard specifies the data telegram and the animal code for FDX-B and HDX
transponders. The data telegram contains 128 bit, including header, identification code, checksum and
trailer. The identification code itself contains 64 bit, out of these 38 bit are defined as ID number
(National identification code for the animal) and 10 bit as country code or manufacturer code.
This standard defines two fields of application. They both make use of the 38 bit ID number:
ISO 11784 animal
ISO 11784 non-animal
Regionally there are further applications that make use of the ISO standard - as an example waste
management in Germany. There, within the 64 bit of the code, 22 bit are assigned to the number of
the container and 10 bit to the manufacturer code. This is called BDE
Formats available for representation of the code
Set Code Format
ISO Animal
ISO Industry
BDE Format
ISO Attributs
There is one common format, that represents the ID code of any application in an unambiguous way:
the hexadecimal format. The 64 user bits are represented as 16 hex characters.
In the four other formats only a sub set of the 64 user bits is represented: e.g. the manufacturer code
(10bit) and the unique animal number (38 bit ID code). These codes are shown in the decimal number
Note: only those transponders will be presented, which the format has been selected for in the menu
"Set Code Format". For example: if the format is set for "ISO Animal" only those transponders will be
presented, where the animal flag is set.
The code format “ISO Animal” is conform to the ISO norm. National code, “National ID”, “Retag-
ging Counter” and “User Information field” are shown as decimal values.
The code format “ISO Attributs” is designated for ISO Animal transponders as well. But only national
code and “National ID” are displayed. Instead of “Retagging Counter” and “User Information Field”
the transponder type, transponder text and attribute text is shown.
Remark: In the database the ISO transponder are generally stored in hex format.
BDE stands for Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungswirtschaft e.V.
this format is also called fragmented representation.