Operating manual – dehumidifier / climate manager DH 30 VPR+ / DH 60 VPR+
Important information regarding the
dehumidification performance and drying rate
The dehumidification performance depends on:
the layout of the room
the individual usage behaviour
the room temperature
the relative humidity
The higher the room temperature and relative humidity, the
greater the dehumidification performance or drying speed at
which a wet vehicle dries.
For use in living rooms, a relative humidity of approx. 50 % is
sufficient. In store rooms and archives, the humidity should
generally not exceed a level of approx. 50 %.
Dehumidification of garages
For the storage of vehicles we recommend a relative humidity
between 45 and 50 %. For other material-specific humidity
values please refer to the respective manufacturer's instructions
for the stored goods.
How the room temperature influences the dehumidification
In the winter at decreasing mean temperatures of below 15 °C
the dehumidifier's capacity and thus the room volumes to be
covered are disproportionately reduced.
This circumstance results from the physical correlations
between the room air's moisture absorption capacity at low
temperatures and the performance curve of condenser dryers
that may appear complex to the layman. In order to render these
complex correlations comprehensible for the typical user we
endeavour to briefly describe the recommended course of action
on the subject of capacity and performance limits of the DH-VPR
+ devices at low temperatures:
Correlation between the temperature in the garage
and duration of the drying process
Mean temper-
ature in a gar-
age during the
Approximate drying
duration of wet
using a DH-VPR+
climate manager
The drying period
can be reduced
through additional
starting at
19 °C
less than 1 day
accelerated by
approx. 50 – 70 %
16 – 19 °C
approx. 1 day
12 – 15 °C
1 – 2 days
8 – 11 °C
3 – 5 days
accelerated by
approx. 30 – 50 %
4 – 7 °C
more than 5 days
* The time for drying moisture
accumulated in the car body,
at the underbody and inside
the engine compartment as
well as in ribbings and
hollows could even be
significantly extended if there
is no air circulation!
** Additional ventilation has a
favourable impact on the drying
duration for residual moisture
accumulated in the car body, at
the underbody and inside the
engine compartment as well as
in ribbings and hollows.
Rule of thumb:
The higher the room temperature, the sooner will the
dehumidifier DH-VPR+ have "dried" the room air and therefore
all the vehicles in the garage. In contrast, the lower the room
temperatures, the longer will it take to completely dry wet
vehicles. To be sure, even at low temperatures the DH-VPR+
can quickly dry the air in the garage to the desired level, the car
and floor however remain moist.
On principle, it takes a disagreeably long time to dry wet
vehicles at temperatures below 15 °C (up to several days), this
is particularly problematic considering the instant corrosion. It is
not due to the dehumidifier DH-VPR+ that the vehicle will not
dry, but rather the physical circumstances of humidity combined
with the evaporation behaviour (drying rate) of water.
A consequence of low temperatures is that on surfaces water
evaporates very slowly even at an ideal room climate of
50 % RH. In simplified terms, this is due to the fact that at low
temperatures – insofar as relative humidity (% RH) is concerned
– the gradient of vapour pressure between the dry room air and
the water surface is very large, in terms of the absolute
humidity (g/m³), however, it is very small.
As a result, the water at wet vehicles situated in cold garages
evaporates very slowly even though the DH-VPR+ devices are
running at full capacity.