Rusty Box
Bass Preamplifier
The Tronographic Rusty Box is an instrument pre-amp in effect pedal format. Though optimized for bass guitar,
the Rusty Box is also effective on regular guitar. It was designed to re-create the unique 1970’s “hi-gain” solid-
state bass amp tone whilst adding useful modern features such as a balanced line out, true-bypass and Master
Input Gain controls allow the musician to dial-in just the right amount of gain and drive
EQ includes separate Middle, Bass and Treble controls, all tailored for bass guitar
Boost Mode for extra volume/drive is activated with your foot
Can be used as a DI box with a balanced output capable of driving 600
True-Bypass: Input is connected to Main Out and nothing else
Common Configurations
Rusty Box as an Effects Pedal:
The Rusty Box can easily be inserted into a chain of effects, in an effects loop or as a single effect before an
amp that has a pre-amp section. Connect your instrument or the output of the previous device to the
jack on the Rusty Box. Connect the
Main Out
jack on the Rusty Box to the input of the next device in your chain.
Use standard
-inch guitar cables for both connections in this configuration.
Rusty Box as a DI Box:
Main Out
jack on the Rusty Box outputs a balanced signal capable of driving a 600
load. As in the effects
pedal configuration, connect your instrument or the output of the previous device to the
jack on the
Rusty Box using a standard
-inch guitar cable. For the
Main Out
jack, plug in a
-inch TRS cable
; this
type of cable is necessary to properly use the Rusty Box as a DI. The other end of the balanced cable can go
directly to a mixing board or similar balanced audio devices. Optionally you can also use the Rusty Box’s
jack to connect to a monitor amp near the musician (described below).
Rusty Box as a Pre-Amp for a Power Amp:
Line Out
jack on the Rusty Box outputs the unbalanced audio signal at full volume. This connection, made
prior to the
knob in the circuit, is perfect for driving a power amp with its own input volume control. As in the
two previous configurations, connect your instrument or the output of the previous device in the chain to the
jack on the Rusty Box then connect the
Line Out
jack to the input of the power amp. Use standard
guitar cables for both connections in this configuration.
sets the gain for the input amplifier stage in the Rusty Box. As you turn the
clockwise, your signal will get louder and be driven harder. You can obtain distortion when this control is turned
above 9 o’clock and the BOOST function is activated. The Input Gain knob works in conjunction with the HI/LO
toggle switch located below it.
HI/LO Toggle Switch:
This switch gives the Rusty Box the equivalent functionality of high and low input jacks on
an amplifier. Setting this switch to the HI setting is just like plugging into the high input jack; high impedance with
full signal amplitude. Setting this switch to LO is just like plugging into the low input jack; your input signal will be
attenuated and the input impedance is reduced. In short the HI setting is louder, the LO setting is lower in
volume with slight treble attenuation.