Lock Reader Guide
The lock reader is a portable tool operated in the same
fashion as a TriTeq key fob. It will not open vendors but,
it will provide helpful information when identifying locks
& keys programmed to the locks. It also helps when
diagnosing problems should they occur. The button
beneath the display toggles between views of Bottler
codes, key numbers, lock serial numbers and lock
diagnostics. It uses a nine volt battery and can be
purchased from TriTeq sales.
Lock Reader Example
This example is taken from a test done at TriTeq. The keys programmed into the test
lock are
with the lock serial number
The lock was
open when the readings were taken.
The reader collects and displays 7 bits of data. To begin reading the data point the
reader at the lock like you would a Key Fob. Press the button once and data should
appear in the display window. Once the initial reading is made, and the data
displayed, the reader no longer has to be pointed at the lock. While the data is still in
the display window press the button to cycle to the next data bit. When the last data
bit is reached the cycle returns to the first data bit and the process repeats. This will
continue until the button is not pushed and the display times out.
The first two times you push the button the display shows data about the
programmed Route Key.
Button Press 1
The XXX indicates the Bottler City code for the Route Key.
This is representative data from the first button press and
displays a city code of
for a programmed Route Key.
Button Press 2
The X1234 is the next five digits of the Route Key. This
Represents the Key’s number
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