TMCM-1160 CANopen® Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V3.20 | Document Revision V2.10 • 2019-JAN-04
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Trinamic’s unique Features — easy to use with CANopen®
StallGuard2™ is a high-precision sensorless load measurement using the back EMF of the coils. It can be
used for stall detection as well as other uses at loads below those which stall the motor. The StallGuard2™
measurement value changes linearly over a wide range of load, velocity, and current settings. At maximum
motor load, the value reaches zero or is near zero. This is the most energy-efficient point of operation for
the motor.
Load [Nm]
Initial stallGuard2 (SG) value: 100%
Max. load
stallGuard2 (SG) value: 0
Maximum load reached.
Motor close to stall.
Motor stalls
Figure 1: stallGuard2 Load Measurement as a Function of Load
CoolStep™ is a load-adaptive automatic current scaling based on the load measurement via StallGuard2™
adapting the required current to the load. Energy consumption can be reduced by as much as 75%.
CoolStep™ allows substantial energy savings, especially for motors which see varying loads or operate at
a high duty cycle. Because a stepper motor application needs to work with a torque reserve of 30% to
50%, even a constant-load application allows significant energy savings because CoolStep™ automatically
enables torque reserve when required. Reducing power consumption keeps the system cooler, increases
motor life, and allows cost reduction.
©2019 TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany
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