TMCM-1160 CANopen® Firmware Manual • Firmware Version V3.20 | Document Revision V2.10 • 2019-JAN-04
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This document specifies objects and modes of operation of the Trinamic TMCM-1160 stepper motor
control module with CANopen firmware. The CANopen firmware is designed to fulfill the CANopen DS402
and DS301 standards. This manual assumes that the reader is already familiar with the basics of the
CANopen protocol, defined by the DS301 and DS402 standards of the CAN-CiA.
If necessary it is always possible to turn the module into a TMCL module by loading the TMCM-1160 TMCL
fimware again through the USB interface, with the help of the firmware update function of the TMCL-IDE
General Features of this CANopen Implementation
Main Characteristics
• Communication according to standard CiA-301 V4.1
• CAN bit rate: 20. . . 1000kBit/s
• CAN ID: 11 bit
• Node ID: 1. . . 127 (use vendor specific objects for changing the node ID)
• NMT services: NMT slave
SDO Communication
• 1 server
• Expedited transfer
• Segmented transfer
• No block transfer
PDO Communication
• Producer
• Consumer
Axis 0: 1, 2, 3, 4
Transmission modes: asynchronous.
Dynamic mapping with max. 3 mapping entries.
Default mappings: according to CiA-402 for first three PDOs of each axis, manufacturer specific
for other PDOs of each axis.
Axis 0: 1, 2, 3, 4
Transmission modes: asynchronous, asynchronous with event timer, synchronous.
Dynamic mapping with max. 3 mapping entries.
Default mappings: according to CiA-402 for first three PDOs of each axis, manufacturer specific
for other PDOs of each axis.
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