TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL Hardware Manual • Document Revision V1.0 • 2020-APR-23
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1.1 First Start-Up
1. First of all, you will need a PC with Windows (at least Windows 7) and the TMCL-IDE 3.x installed on it.
If you do not have the TMCL-IDE installed on your PC then please download it from the TMCL-IDE
product page of
and install it on your PC.
2. Please also ensure that your TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL is properly connected and the power supply is
properly selected. Please see the TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL hardware manual for instructions on how
to do this.
Do not connect or disconnect a motor to or from the module while the module is
3. Then, please start up the TMCL-IDE. After that you can connect your TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL via the
USB-2-UART interface and switch on the power supply (while the TMCL-IDE is running on your PC).
4. When the TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL is connected properly it will be recognized by the TMCL-IDE in
the connected devices tree so that it can be used. Verify that the TMC2300-MOTOR-EVAL is using
the latest firmware version. The firmware version is shown in the connected device tree behind the
module’s name. Check the module page on the
for new firmware versions.
Figure 2: Firmware Version
5. The TMCL-IDE needs room to show all important information and to provide a good overview.
Therefore, arrange the main window related to your needs. We recommend using full screen.
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