Transparent POWERBANK 1 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1






W I T H   S U R G E   P R OT E C T I O N

Owner’s Manual


C O N N E C T E D   E Q U I P M E N T  WA R R A N T Y

During the warranty period applicable to a Transparent surge protection device

(2 years from date of purchase extendable to 5 years upon registration) Transparent
will pay to repair or, at its option, pay the fair market value of equipment damaged by
an AC power surge or lightning surge on the AC power line, on the following terms
and conditions:

The connected equipment must be used and connected to the Transparent surge

protection device in accordance with the instructions and warranty provisions
applicable to the connected equipment, including proper grounding.

The connected equipment must be connected in accordance with the instruc-

tions provided with the Transparent surge protection device.

This warranty is for the benefit of the original purchaser of the Transparent surge

protection device for non-commercial use only and is non-transferable.

This warranty is secondary to any manufacturer’s warranty on the connected

equipment and/or any service contract or insurance maintained by the customer that
covers the loss in whole or in part.

Transparent shall, in its sole discretion, determine from the condition of the surge

protector and the damaged equipment that the damage was caused by a failure of the
Transparent surge protector to properly function within its design specifications.

This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including

implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This war-
ranty does not cover consequential damages, including loss of computer data.

T R A N S PA R E N T   P OW E R   P R O D U C T S


High Performance PowerLink • PowerLink Plus • 

PowerLink Super • Reference PowerLink • PowerLink XL • PowerLink MM


PowerBank 1* •PowerBank 2* • PowerBank 6* • PowerBank 8*


PowerIsolator 4 • PowerIsolator 8 • PowerIsolator MM


MultiSource Protection Module


PowerBank Control Center* • Home Automation Link*


All of our Transparent Power Products are available in European, U.K. and

U.S. terminations except for * items, which are only available in U.S. termination. All
Transparent Power Cords and PowerBanks are compatible with both 50Hz and 60Hz
frequencies. However, the PowerIsolator 4, PowerIsolator 8 and PowerIsolator MM
are painstakingly tuned to a specific frequency for maximum noise reduction; there-
fore, we make specific versions for 50Hz and 60Hz frequencies, and the units must
be used only with the power frequency for which they were designed.

Transparent Analog, Digital, Video and Power Products are designed by

T R A N S PA R E N T  AU D I O, I N C .

47 INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD • SACO ME 04072 • USA • TEL (207) 284-1100

FAX  (207)  284-1101  • W W W. T R A N S PA R E N T C A B L E . C O M

Thank you for purchasing the Transparent PowerBank 1 

(we call it the P1 for short). With this product you will find new

enjoyment from your music and film systems.We certainly have!

