Operating the Programmer
Display Tag Door Switch Status (#42<cr>)
This command requests a two-digit status response from the programmer indicating
the status of its tag door switch.
#00<cr>door open
#01<cr>door closed
Request Control Number (#43<cr>)
This command requests the AP4118 tag programmer control number.
xxxxxxxx is hex data (control number)
Request Expiration Date (#44<cr>)
This command requests the tag programmer permissions expiration date.
Request Programming Mode (#45<cr>)
This command requests the current AP4118 programming mode, based on the permis-
sions tag.
#AAR =
AAR S-918 compatible
#GEN =
Generic, non-AAR programming format
Programming a Tag
Note: You have the option of first placing at tag into the tag holder before issuing the
command or you can enter the command and place the tag into the tag holder within
10 seconds. If you are programming an AT5549 End-of-Train Tag, place the tag into
the programmer adapter (P/N 20-4118-001), with the tag’s reflective side up, before
sliding the tag into the tag holder. If you do not place the tag in the tag holder and
close the door within 10 seconds, the programmer will abort this command.