AI1422E Models
The AI1422E is available in two compliance options: FCC or ETSI. The FCC compliant version
(P/N 10-1422-500) is an ATA only 902-928 MHz fixed frequency reader. The ETSI compliant version
(P/N 10-1422-800) is an ATA only 865.75-867.5 Mhz frequency hopping reader.
Transponder Interrogator
The transponder interrogator reads 60 bits half frame and 120 bits full frame of user-programmable data
in the transponder.
The transponder interrogator is operated in a continuous read mode, and any tag entering its read field
has its data automatically read and relayed to the host computer. In many applications this function is
implemented by installing the reader on a vehicle with restricted movement, such as a rail car or monorail
bus. The tags are embedded in the roadway at various locations in the vehicle’s path. The data read from
the tag allows the host computer to assess the vehicle’s location and make any appropriate response to
that information.
The transponder interrogator is an independent tag decoder that combines a reader and RF source
to provide automatic identification and data storage within a single, compact unit. The transponder
interrogator includes the following components:
19-inch rack-mount design (1U)
RS232/RS422/Ethernet input/output (I/O) link
Real-time clock
Reader and RF module, combined in one unit
Reader Power Regulation and Filtering
The AI1422E Reader System uses an input voltage ranging from 24 VDC to 110 VDC (12 VDC to 150 VDC
Min/Max). The reader system incorporates a high-performance, DC-to-DC power supply that converts
voltage in this range to 24 VDC. This voltage conversion is internal to the unit, and should be transparent to
the end-user.
TransCore has multiple antennas for use with the AI1422E Reader, covering multiple applications such
as heavy rail, light rail, European regions, and more. Contact TransCore for assistance with antenna
AI1422E Reader User Guide
TransCore Proprietary