This document and the information in it are the property of
Trane, and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in
part without written permission. Trane reserves the right
to revise this publication at any time, and to make changes
to its content without obligation to notify any person of
such revision or change.
All trademarks referenced in this document are the
trademarks of their respective owners.
Factory Training
Factory training is available through Trane University™ to
help you learn more about the operation and maintenance
of your equipment. To learn about available training
opportunities contact Trane University™.
Phone: 855-803-3563
Revision History
Updated Model Number Description, Factory-
Mounted Unit Options and Start Up sections.
Added Sequence of Operation section.
Overview of Manual
One copy of this document ships inside the control
panel of each unit and is customer property. It must
be retained by the unit’s maintenance personnel.
This booklet describes proper installation, operation, and
maintenance procedures for air cooled systems.
By carefully reviewing the information within this manual
and following the instructions, the risk of improper
operation and/or component damage will be minimized.
It is important that periodic maintenance be performed to
help assure trouble free operation. A maintenance
schedule is provided at the end of this manual.
Should equipment failure occur, contact a qualified
service organization with qualified, experienced HVAC
technicians to properly diagnose and repair this
Follow EHS Policies!
Failure to follow instructions below could result in
death or serious injury.
All Trane personnel must follow the company’s
Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) policies
when performing work such as hot work, electrical,
fall protection, lockout/tagout, refrigerant handling,
etc. Where local regulations are more stringent than
these policies, those regulations supersede these
Non-Trane personnel should always follow local
Water Damage!
Non-factory penetrations through the base of this unit
are not allowed. Any penetration in the base of the unit
may affect the water tight integrity of the unit and lead
to water leaks into the conditioned space. Failure to
follow instructions could result in equipment and
property damage.