General Information
The integral air-cooled unit, model SCIH/SCIJ, is a high efficiency, vertical air cooled air conditioner.
Units have either front or top discharge configuration options and easy service access. Unit
construction is heavy gage steel with a baked enamel finish. Available unit voltages are 208/3/60,
230/3/60, and 460/3/60, 575/3/60.
Commonly Used Acronyms
For convenience, a number of acronyms and abbreviations are used throughout this manual. These
acronyms are alphabetically listed and defined below.
cfm = cubic-feet-per-minute
CKT = circuit
CV = constant volume
CW = clockwise
CCW = counterclockwise
E/A = exhaust air
F/A = fresh air
IOM= installation/operation/maintenance manual
LH = left-hand
O/A = outside air
psig = pounds-per-square-inch, gauge pressure
R/A = return air
RH = right-hand
RPM = revolutions-per-minute
S/A = supply air
SZ = single-zone (unit airflow)
VAV = variable air volume
Cross-reference to related publication: Internal Air-Cooled Self-Contained Product Catalog:
Refrigeration Circuits
Units are configured in single or double refrigeration circuits. Each circuit consists of a:
high efficiency scroll compressor mounted on rubber isolation grommets
condenser and evaporator coils, designed for optimum performance and efficiency with lanced
fins and rifled tubing
Evaporator Section
The evaporator fan section consists of one or two forward curved centrifugal fans powered by a
premium efficiency motor through an adjustable motor sheave, and fixed diameter blower pulley.
The condenser fan section consists of one or two forward curved centrifugal fans powered by a
premium efficiency motor through an adjustable motor sheave and fixed diameter blower pulley.
Condenser motor belt tension is adjusted by an adjustable motor mounting base. Control box
access is from the front of the unit to ease electrical hook-up.