Unit Start-up Procedures
For Free Cooling units only:
At power up, the unit will choose
either if it should start in Free-
Cooling mode or in Compressor
mode through the Carel
• If only Free-Cooling is available,
then Free-Cooling mode will be
entered immediately at this time.
• If only Compressor mode is
available, then Compressor mode
will be entered immediately at this
• If both modes are available, then
the mode to enter will depend on a
few conditions. If ( (Leaving Water
Temperature) - (Active Chilled
Water Setpoint) > 2 * (Dead band),
or if Free-Cooling coil cannot
generate more than 5% of its delta
T at current conditions, then the
Compressor mode will be entered
immediately. If these conditions are
false for at least 15 minutes, then
the Free-Cooling mode will be
entered immediately.
To allow the system to operate even
in case of failure on chiller or on free
cooling side, a menu allows the
service technician to choose
between the following modes:
Auto mode: This is the default
mode. If enable by external Free-
Cooling Enable input (FCE), the
software will choose between
Free-Cooling mode or Compressor
mode. If disable by FCE, the
Compressor mode will always be
enabled. In auto mode the RTAD
Free-Cooling unit will always start-
up in Compressor mode and then
if conditions to pass in Free-
Cooling mode are verified for at
least 15 minutes, the Free-Cooling
mode will be enabled.
Compressor mode only:
Compressor mode will always be
Free-cooling mode only: Free-
Cooling will always be enabled.
This will allow service on
compressor side of the unit.
WARNING! This menu will enable
function made by the software, but
service technician must remove all
power supply before servicing parts,
especially on moving dangerous
Daily Unit Start-Up
The time line for sequence of
operation is shown at the end of this
section and depicts the nominal
delays and sequences that a chiller
would experience during a typical
operational cycle. The time line
begins with a power up of the main
power to the chiller. The sequence
assumes a RTAD chiller with no
diagnostics or malfunctioning
components. External events such as
the operator placing the chiller in
Auto or Stop, chilled water flow
through the evaporator, and
application of load to the chilled
water loop causing loop water
temperature increases are depicted
and the chillers responses to those
events are shown, with appropriate
delays noted. The effects of
diagnostics, and other external
interlocks other than evaporator
water flow proving, are not
considered. The response of the CLD
Display is also depicted on the time