Compressor Nameplate
The nameplate for the compressors are located on the side
of the compressor.
Microchannel Coil Barcode ID
Barcode decal used for coil part identification can be
located on the header and top of coil's inlet/outlet side.
LonTalk Communication
Interface (Optional)
The Symbio™ controllers supports communication with
LonTalk® open protocol applications. An advanced license
is required to enable this feature. The LonTalk module is
available factory supplied or as a field-installed kit.
BACnet Communications
Interface (Optional)
The Symbio™ controller provides integrated
communication with BACnet® open protocol applications.
An advanced license is required to enable this feature.
When enabled, the following selections are available:
BACnet MS/TP, BACnet IP, or BACnet Zigbee® (Air-Fi®).
System Input Devices and
The Symbio™ 700 controller requires a zone sensor or
thermostat input to operate the unit in a CVZT or VVZT
Use of a conventional thermostat will reduce unit
The number of available modes depends on the type of
zone sensor or thermostat selected. Descriptions of the
basic input devices used with the Symbio 700 network are
provided to acquaint the operator with the various modules.
Refer to the unit schematic for specific module
connections. The following controls are available from the
factory for field installation.
Supply Fan Failure
Supply Fan Proving is active when the Supply Fan is
commanded ON. The supply fan speed must be greater
than 30 rpm for 40 continuous seconds. If the supply fan
speed falls below 30 rpm, supply fan failure diagnostic is
generated, and operation is stopped.
Clogged Filter Switch (Optional)
The unit mounted clogged filter switch monitors the
pressure differential across the return air filters. It is
mounted in the filter section and is connected to the Fresh
Air Options Module. A diagnostic signal is sent to the
controller if the pressure differential across the filters is at
least 0.5 inch w.c. The contacts will automatically open
when the pressure differential across the filters decreases
to approximately 0.4 inch w.c. The clogged filter output is
energized when the supply fan is operating and the
clogged filter switch has been closed for at least 2 minutes.
The system will continue to operate regardless of the status
of the filter switch. For further details, refer to Installation
Instructions ACC-SVN238*-EN.
On units equipped with factory installed MERV 13
filters, a clogged filter switch with different pressure
settings will be installed. This switch will close when
the differential pressure is approximately 0.8 inch w.
c. and open when the differential falls to 0.7 inch w.c.
Condensate Drain Pan Overflow Switch
A condensate overflow condition will be detected by a
condensate overflow float switch. When the condensate
level reaches the trip point, the diagnostic condition will be
detected. When the condensate overflow input CLOSES
for six continuous seconds, the following actions will be
taken by the Symbio™ 700 controls:
An auto-reset diagnostic will be generated. All
compressor or heating operations will be disabled
immediately. Condenser fans and compressors will be
de-energized. Supply fan operation will be shutdown.
Once the overflow condition has been cleared and the
input is OPEN for six seconds, all diagnostic conditions
will be cleared. The unit will return to normal operation.
Auto-reset clearing will occur twice each time the unit is
powered up. On the third occurrence, the unit will
initiate a lock-out and require manual reset. If an auto-
reset overflow occurs once, but does not occur again
for 72 hours, the trip counter will reset allowing more
auto-resets to occur.
Compressor Disable (CPR1/2)
This input incorporates the low pressure control (LPC) of
each refrigeration circuit.
If this circuit is open before the compressor is started, the
compressor will not be allowed to operate. Anytime this
circuit is opened for one continuous second during
compressor operation, the compressor for that circuit is
immediately turned OFF. The compressor will not be
allowed to restart for a minimum of three minutes should
the contacts close.
If four consecutive open conditions occur during the first
three minutes of operation, the compressor for that circuit
will be locked out, a diagnostic communicated to the
remote panel (if installed), and a manual reset will be
required to restart the compressor.
Low Pressure Control
When the LPC is opened for 1 continuous second, the
compressor for that circuit is turned off immediately. The
compressor will not be allowed to restart for a minimum of 3