Programming SETUP
Morning Warmup Function: ENABLED
Morning Warmup Type: FULL CAPACITY
Used With: Units when Electric, or Hydronic
Heat is installed.
Factory Presets: Function = Enabled; MWU
Type = Full Capacity
Possible Values: Function = Enabled,
Disabled; MWU Type = Full Capacity, Cycling
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed (if applicable).
Supply Air Tempering Function: DISABLED
Warm Up Outside Air Used For Ventilation
Used With: All Units when Hydronic Heat is
Factory Preset: Function = Disabled
Possible Values: Function = Enabled, Disabled
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Unocc Mech Cooling Function: ENABLED
Used With: Cooling-only units
Factory Preset: Cooling and Heating Function
= Enabled
Possible Values: Cooling and Heating Function
= Enabled, Disabled
Unocc Mech Cooling Function: ENABLED
Unocc Heating Function: ENABLED
Used With: All Units with electric, hydronic, or
external heat is installed
Factory Presets: Cooling & Heating =Enabled
Possible Values: Cooling & Heating = Enabled,
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed (if applicable).
OA Preheater Output Control: ENABLED
Activate If Preheat Temp Below SETPOINT
Used With: Units with VCM installed
Factory Preset: Control = Disabled
Possible Values: Control = Enabled, Disabled
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Demand Limit Definition:
Cooling: 100%
Factory Presets: None
Possible Values: Cooling = None, 50 or 100%
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Demand Limit Definition:
Used With: Units Electric or Hydronic heat.
Factory Presets: None
Possible Values: Cooling/Heating: None, 50 or
Cooling: 100%
Heating: 100%
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed.
Compressor Lead/Lag Function: DISABLED
Vary Staging Order To Distribute Runtime
Factory Preset: Function = Disabled
Possible Values: Function = Enabled, Disabled
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Reduce Multi-Unit Startup Power Demand
After Power-Up, Delay Unit Start:
0 Sec
Factory Preset: Start = 0 Seconds
Possible Values: Start = 0-255 Seconds
Press the NEXT key until the following screen is displayed (if applicable).
Coil Frost Cutout Temperature:
Compressors If Evap Temp Is Below:
Shut off
30 F
Factory Preset: 30 F
Possible Values: 25 F to 35 F
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End of Submenu (NEXT) to Enter SETUP
Press the NEXT key to leave the submenu and show following screen.
VAV Control Functions Submenu
Press ENTER to Review or Adjust
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