Startup Form
Refrigeration Startup
Test Procedures
Cooling startup can only be completed if the
OA temp is >65°f or <105°F. Heating startup
can only be completed if OA temp is <90°F
1. Test each circuit independently.
2. Tandem or trio circuits must have all compressors on.
3. Set Digital Scroll/Variable Speed command to 100%*.
4. Outdoor Air Damper open, Return Air Damper closed.
5. Set hot gas reheat to 25%* (if installed).
6. Set outdoor air coil conditions.
a. Air Source Heat Pump or Standard DX
i. Reduce condenser fan air flow until liquid line
pressure is 375-400PSI.
b. Water Source Heat Pump
i. Verify proper water flow through water coil.
7. Adjust charge until subcooling is 10-15.
8. Record all readings.
9. Verify HGRH operational at 100%
10. Heat Pumps: Switch reversing valve to heating, repeat
steps 1-8 for heating mode except with hot gas reheat
at 100%.
11. Repeat for Circuit 2.
Note: If saturated suction >67°F, you can test both circuits
at the same time.
* Units with variable speed compressor (VFD on
compressor 1) must also be tested at 0% signal and 100%
hot gas reheat.
Circuit 1
Circuit 2
Test 2
Outdoor Temp (°F)
Outdoor RH (%)
Hot Gas Reheat Signal (%)
Discharge Line
Pressure (PSI)
Sat. Temp (°F)
Temp (°F)
Suction Line
Pressure (PSI)
Sat. Temp (°F)
Temp (°F)
Superheat (°F)
Liquid Line
Pressure (PSI)
Sat. Temp (°F)
Temp (°F)
Subcooling (°F)
Evaporator Leaving Temp (°F)
Entering Water Temp (°F)
Leaving Water Temp (°F)
Water Coil Pressure Drop (PSI)