Alarms and Troubleshooting
Diagnostic: Space Humidity
Source Failure
Auto Reset. Occurs when the space
humidity active falls outside of
• BAS communication down
• Failed sensor or improper sensor installation
• Humidity Wiring Polarity sensitive
Diagnostic: Compressor Fail Unit
Manual Reset
Occurs when there is a compressor run failure and the
discharge air temperature is 5°F from setpoint, or the
dehumidification temperature is 5°F during dehumidification.
Diagnostic: Exhaust Fan Failure Auto Reset
Occurs when there is a call for exhaust fan but there is no
status for three minutes
Diagnostic: Condensate
Overflow Unit Lockout
Auto Reset
• Occurs when the condensate switch is open and the discharge
air temperature is 5°F from setpoint, or the dehumidification
temperature is 5°F during dehumidification.
• Shuts down entire unit until 5 minutes after the condensate
switch closes.
Diagnostic: Low Refrigerant
Pressure Circuit 2
Auto Reset
Occurs when circuit 2 is running and the suction pressure
transducer reads below 90PSI (cooling) or 55PSI (heat pump)
for two minutes.
Diagnostic: Duct Static Pressure
Setpoint Range
Auto Reset
Occurs when the duct static setpoint is above 85% of the
maximum limit for the hardwired input, below 5% of the full
scale input, or less than the minimum.
Diagnostic: Liquid Line
Refrigerant Pressure Circuit 1
Source Failure
Auto Reset
Occurs when circuit 1 is running and the liquid line transducer
is outside of the 150- 650PSI range for two minutes.
Diagnostic: Liquid Line
Refrigerant Pressure Circuit 2
Source Failure
Auto Reset
Occurs when circuit 2 is running and the liquid line transducer
is outside of the 150- 650PSI range for two minutes.
Diagnostic: Low Outdoor Coil
Water Flow
Auto Reset
• Occurs when the supply fan is
• running and the outdoor coil water flow switch is open.
Diagnostic: Dehumidification
Temperature Sensor Source
Auto Reset
• Occurs when the indoor coil leaving or discharge air
temperature/humidity sensor
• falls outside of range.
Diagnostic: Compressor 1 Run
Manual or Auto Reset
• Occurs when there is a call for a compressor without a run status
for five minutes. Auto
• resets after three hours.
Diagnostic: Duct Static Pressure
Source Failure
Auto Reset
• Occurs when the supply duct
• static pressure transducer reading falls outside of range.
Diagnostic: Outdoor Coil Water
Temperature Low
Auto Reset
Occurs when the supply fan is running and the outdoor coil
water low temperature switch is open.
Diagnostic: Low Refrigerant
Pressure Circuit 1
Auto Reset
Occurs when circuit 1 is running and the suction pressure
transducer reads below 90PSI (cooling) or 55PSI (heat pump)
for two minutes.
Table 19. Diagnostic values (continued)
Manual or Auto Reset
Possible Causes: