Trane CGAH 115 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание CGAH 115

Страница 1: ...ï i J nRAflE CGAH AÍr cooled liquidchilfers j Instaf lation Operation Maintenance To be usedwith manualfor moduleSMM referenceL80lM 019 E Sizes ilS lZO tiS ZZS 230 235_240 250 j GrolM ooz E ...

Страница 2: ...d Damagedue to misuse lackof maintenance or failureto comply with the manufacturer s instructions or recommendations is not covered by the warranty obligation 1 All air conditioning unitsareshippedto theirinstallation site on a wooden skid All machinesreachfinaldestination completely connected and assembledreadyfor immediatestart up Please check thatthe unithasnotin anyway beendamaged duringthetra...

Страница 3: ...n1 Acceptance on delivery 2 Unit nameplafe r 4 lnstallationinstructions 4 Waterconnection 5 Wiringdiagram Customerelectricpowersupp1y 7 ...

Страница 4: ...nce tnsure there is sufficientclearancearound the unit to allow maintenanceoperationsto take place without obstruction For minimum clearanceconsultthe certifiedsubmittals which are availableon requestfrom your Traneagency Handling A mm B mm Maximum weight kg 1500 1800 725 Moo LE Moocr uoosr t x l f l t ERIE sEn or sERrEN n FT ctRcuÍT cor TRor E lliff iilf ïii l3H Í l I STnoÀ TAUFNAHME lbYqEssE tN ...

Страница 5: ...s isolate chillers and water circulating pump during maintenance operations lnsurethat all chilledwater pipes are fully insulated in orderto preventfrost damage lnsulateheatingresistors on all water pipesexposedto negativetemperatures Minimum water capacity Minimum volume of water in the chilled water circuit must be no less than 10 of the volume of water circulatingper hour in the unit lf necesso...

Страница 6: ...415V A 35 14 54 62 7 1 81 88 107 Starting amps 2 380V A 107 143 154 163 173 183 196 2 1 8 415V A 1lil 158 168 176 185 195 207 227 Control cir amos 230V A 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 8 Evaporator water volume Litres 3 76 1 7 5 66 7 52 8 to 9 12 9 42 11 32 Number of fan s 1 2 2 2 2 o u 3 2 o u 3 2 o u 3 2 o u 3 Condenser air flow m3 s 4 25 4 96 6 61 1 46 8 4 9 5 1 1 8 11 8 Nominal fan sDeed revlmn 5...

Страница 7: ... peVER D Options EVPV1 ater pumpstart o Interrupteurunité Hauptschalter Maschine Disconnectswitch o Résistancecoffret HeizungSchaltschrank Controlpanelheater Transfo alimentationcontróle Transformator TransÍormer o Sonde de température Fuehler Temperatur Temperature sensor CàblageTrane Trane Verdrahtung WiringbyTraner CàblageClient Verdrahtung durchKunden Wiringby Customer ...

Страница 8: ...t pressureswitch is adjustable pleaserefer to informationsheetavailablefrom your Traneagency and adjustthe setpointas required Some units have preset pressureswitchesalreadyfitted and theseshould not be changed Figure4 Compressoroil level Preparation Beforestaftingup the system carryout the following checks andoperations 1 Before makinganyeleictrical connection insure that theisolation resistance ...

Страница 9: ...onger operatingsatisfactorily The defectivecomponentmustto be replaced Sub cooling lf the system is correctlyfilled the sub cooling valueof the refrigerantvalve on the liquid line shouldbe B 1OoK on a standardunit Condensorfan motors All fans are secured directly to the motor shaft The operatingsequenceof fan motors is controlledby the SMM module Referto the IOM of the Sil 4M controlmodule Low tem...

Страница 10: ...illedwater pump 2 Switch51 to position1 startingup unit Weekend shutdown lf the unit needsto be shut down for a short time switch 51 to 0 lf the unit is shut down for a longer period see under Seasonalshutdown below Seasonalshutdown Requi resqualifiedtechnician 1 The evaporator may be drained by opening the U4 connectionon the water outlet pipe 2 Switchoff mainspower supplyswitch Ensurethat it can...

Страница 11: ... on caution or moisture present contacta qualifiedtechnician 5 Checkservice pressures lf they are above or below normal see Operating defects chapter Normat servicepressures are shown in table3 6 Inspect the entire system for undesirable effects suchas noisycompressor looseaccess panels leaks in pipes or loose contactors 7 Keep records of temperatures pressures dates and times or other observation...

Страница 12: ...motor not operational Coilburnedout or brokencontacts Repairor replace No currentaheadof motor starter a Powercut b Main power supply switched off Checkfusesand connection See why rsystem tripped lf system is operational switch on mains power sw itch Current ahead of starter but not on fuse side Fuseblown Replacefr lse Checkmotor insulation Low voltage reading on volt meter Voltagetoo low Contactp...

Страница 13: ...Gradualfall in oil level Drierfilter clogged Replace Aspirationduct abnormallycold Compressornoisy Liquidflow backto compressor Adjust superheatand checkbulb fixing Fl Compressornoisy Compressorknocks Components brokenin compressor Changecclmpressor Suctionduct abnormallycold a Unevenliquidflow b Expansionvalvelocked in open position a Checksuperheatsetting and fixing of expansionvalva bulb b Repa...

Страница 14: ...normallycold Befrigerantflows back to compressor a Expansionvalvetoo far open b Expansion valve lockedin open a Checkfor superheatand checkthat expansionvalve bulb is secure position b Replace i K Suction pressuretoo low Bubblesin sightglass Not enough refrigerant Repair leakandtop up refrigerant Excessive pressuredrops through drier filter Refrigerantdoes not flow through thermostaticexpansion va...

Страница 15: ...rinsingand filling of chilledwater pipes o Checkpump operationand measurements for lossof fluid Electricalequipment o check directionof ventilatorand compressorfan motors o Checkchilledwater pump drive rotation o check installationand rating of mains power switch fuse o Checkthat electricalconnectionscomply with specifications o Checkthat electricalconnectionsmatch informationon manufacturer siden...

Страница 16: ...the specification for a particular countÍy or Íor a specific order ln this event pleasereíerto your neaÍestoffice TRANE All rights reserved No part oÍ this publicatíon may be reproduced or transmitted in any íorm or by any means without the wrinen authorizationoÍ the constructor maintenancetechniciansa better knowledge of the equipmentthey are using or that is undertheir charge Emphasisis particul...

Страница 17: ...w e c J F t I t t È e E O l 3 r E Ë J t v r a V 9 G A ê J I J J I I J Ê a A èvt ê tt l k ë Ë i i Ë u O w c u J t t s O O a Ê s r rh c 6 H Ë o 9 o Ë u U E í h F ó è U F q c t e 9 E t 4 u 9 O 14 va L I gtF tlt Oc 5 e u e b J u t s É O q é r L r J É J U ê É O ë Ë ó é v Í Ë L r r s Q r t t ë o o é g J ê cc o ê aÊ L t l o e Ll o ér 6 ê e o e Ll I 4 e F O C N f t r a t t o t t o tat e a Ét s r r À1r J e...

Страница 18: ...o o O t G t I I I I I I I I c 3 I O vt tt l o GI r0 i 3 rat a a o 3 r9 IJ I íí J tat Ot I o a t o o í l _ 2 ro O D I G CO J aà p J ...
