10. Motor bearings: If the motor sits for a long time the
bearings could take a set and cause bearing prob-
lems or replacement later. Once every six months the
chiller oil pump must be started and the compressor
motor bump started to rotate the shaft. Contact a
qualified service organization to perform this task. If
the compressor motor cannot be bump started, then
the shaft must be rotated manually by a qualified ser-
vice organization.
11. Obtain an oil analysis initially after six months of
storage, and once each succeeding year. If no oil
breakdown is evident do not change the oil. If break-
down is evident, the oil must be replaced.
12. If the unit is stored for more than five years, and the
storage is expected to be indefinite, the unit should
be examined for leaks every five years from the ini-
tial storage date.
13. When the unit is to be returned to service, the ser-
vices of a qualified service organization should be
obtained to conduct all activities associated with the
startup of a new chiller.
Refrigerant Charge
Contains Refrigerant!
System contains oil and refrigerant and may be un-
der positive pressure. Recover refrigerant to relieve
pressure before opening the system. See unit name-
plate for refrigerant type. Do not use non-approved
refrigerants, refrigerant substitutes, or refrigerant
additives. Failure to follow proper procedures or the
use of non-approved refrigerants, refrigerant substi-
tutes, or refrigerant additives could result in death or
serious injury or equipment damage.
Equipment Damage!
Mixing refrigerants or oils could result in equipment
damage including bearing damage, introduction of
acids into the chiller, or continuous purge pump-out
in high-head/high ambient applications. CenTraVac
chillers are manufactured with different refrigerant/
oil systems: R-123 chillers using OIL00022 and R-514A
chillers using OIL00334/OIL00335. Verify proper refrig-
erant and oil for your chiller and do NOT mix refriger-
ants or oils!
The refrigerant charging procedure for Trane centrifugal
chillers is:
1. If water is p resent in the tubes, break machine
vacuum with refrigerant vapor, or circulate water, to
avoid tube damage.
2. Always use refrigerant compatible hoses or cop-
per-tubing with self-sealing connections or shut-off
3. Transfer the refrigerant using one of the following
(listed in order of preference):
a. An approved Trane low pressure refrigerant re-
covery and recycle unit.
b. The available pressure differential.
c. Gravity. (Use a return vent line to refrigerant
drums to equalize pressure.)
4. Do not use dry nitrogen to push refrigerant into the
chiller as was common practice in the past. This will
contaminate the charge and require excessive purg-
ing, which will result in unnecessary release of refrig-
5. Weigh in the proper charge.
6. Use recovery and recycle unit or vacuum pump to
evacuate hoses; discharge outdoors.
7. If refrigerant is supplied in new returnable cylinders,
be sure and refer to General Service Bulletin CVHE-
SB-48B for information on returning cylinders. This
service bulletin is available at the nearest Trane office.
Depending on the chiller duty, contact a qualified service
organization to determine when to conduct a complete
examination of the unit to discern the condition of the
compressor and internal components.
If your chiller is covered by a Trane extended
warranty, the terms of that warranty may require
that the procedures listed in the Periodic Mainte-
nance section of this manual be followed for your
extended warranty to remain in force. The terms
may also require that the chiller be inspected by a
Trane-authorized warranty agent every four years
40,000 operating hours, whichever occurs first. This
inspection will include, at a minimum, a review of the
annual inspection checklists and the daily operating
logs, as well as performance of a leak test and a gener-
al inspection of the chiller. The owner is then required
to follow the recommendations made as a result of this
inspection at the owners expense.
Recovery and Recycle Connections
To facilitate refrigerant removal and replacement, new-
er-design units are provided with a 3/4-inch vapor fitting
with shutoff valve on the chiller suction and with a 3/4-
inch liquid connection with shutoff valve at the bottom
of the evaporator shell (refer to Refrigerant Handling
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT