8. Purge unit.
9. Check oil pressure 18–22 psi.
Top View
General Lubrication
The only chiller component that requires periodic lubri-
cation is the external vane linkage assembly and Rotary
oil valve. Lubricate the vane linkage shaft bearings and
rod end bearings as needed with a few drops of light-
weight machine oil.
Consider placing a bead of silicon caulk around the top
of the oil filter shut off valve if the chiller is located in a
wet, dusty or corrosive environment.
The CenTraVac inlet guide vane tang operators should
be serviced annually with R-123 and R514A compatible
grease. Use only Trane approved R-123 and R514A com-
patible grease:
LUB00033 (16 oz. standard grease gun cartridge)
LUB00063 (3 oz. mini grease gun cartridge)
Service for the 1st Stage Tang Operator
All Units Except Extended Capacity Chillers with
1470 or 1720 Compressors
1. The chiller must be off.
2. Carefully remove any insulation that may have been
placed over the two lubrication ports of the tang op-
erator base. This insulation will need to be replaced
after the service is complete.
3. Note the position of the tang operator arm, note the
placement of spacing washers etc., then disconnect
the linkage rod from the tang operator arm. Manually
move the tang operator arm and note the amount of
effort required to operate the assembly.
4. Loosen but DO NOT REMOVE the 1/16” NPT lubrica-
tion port plug that is highest on the assembly.
5. Loosen and remove the remaining lower 1/16” NPT
6. Using a grease gun with an appropriate fitting, insert
ONLY Rheolube grease into the open port until clean
grease is seen to appear around the threads of the
plug in the opposite port.
7. Tighten the plug that was loosened in
Step 4
. Tighten
the plug to hand tight plus 1/4 to 1/2 turn.
8. Remove the grease fitting, if used.
If grease fittings have been used for this procedure
then they MUST BE REMOVED before returning the
unit to service. Grease fittings are not vacuum-tight
and will become a leak path.
9. Using a clean wooden dowel or other similar tool,
remove excess grease from the remaining open lu-
brication port.
10. Clean and then lightly coat the threads of the plug
with Rheolube grease and re-install it into the lubri-
cation port. Tighten the plug to hand tight plus 1/4 to
1/2 turn.
11. Before reconnecting the vane linkage, grasp the tang
operator arm and manually operate the vane assem-
bly. If it is now difficult to move, then the tang oper-
ator may have become hydraulically locked because
of excess grease in the assembly. This situation could
cause damage to the O-rings of the assembly. If this
occurs then remove one of the lubrication plugs,
remove some of the grease, then re-install the plug.
12. Reconnect the linkage to the tang operator arm.
Ensure the spacer washers between the linkage and
the arm are properly placed and that the assembly
does not bind. Re-install any insulation that was cut
or removed. The unit may be restarted.
Service for the 1st and 2nd Stage Tang
Extended Capacity Chillers with 1470 or 1720 Com-
The 1st and 2nd stage rotary inlet guide vane tang oper-
ators of the extended capacity chillers also require peri-
odic lubrication, at least annually, with Trane approved
R-123 and R514A compatible grease. These actuators
have two 1/8” NPT plugs located 180 degrees apart, with
one on the top and the other on the bottom of the oper-
ator base. Use the same procedure as described above,
except that it will be necessary to temporarily disconnect
the vane actuators from the tang operator arms in order
to test for a hydraulically locked condition.
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT