Compressor Oil Change
Equipment Damage!
Mixing refrigerants or oils could result in equipment
damage including bearing damage, introduction of
acids into the chiller, or continuous purge pump-out
in high-head/high ambient applications. CenTraVac
chillers are manufactured with different refrigerant/
oil systems: R-123 chillers using OIL00022 and R-514A
chillers using OIL00334/OIL00335. Verify proper refrig-
erant and oil for your chiller and do NOT mix refriger-
ants or oils!
This Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual
applies to CenTraVac chillers with two different refriger-
ant and oil systems:
R-123 and OIL00022
R-514A and OIL00334/OIL00335
Verify proper refigerant and oil for your
chiller before proceeding!
After the first 6 months or 1000 hours operation, which-
ever comes first, change the oil and filter. After this oil
change, recommendations are to subscribe to an annual
oil analysis program rather than automatically change
the oil as part of scheduled maintenance.
Change the oil only if indicated by the oil analysis. Use
of an oil analysis program will reduce the chillers overall
lifetime waste oil generation and minimize refrigerant
emissions. The analysis determines system moisture
content, acid level and wear metal content of the oil, and
can be used as a diagnostic tool. The oil analysis should
be performed by a qualified laboratory that is experi-
enced in refrigerant and oil chemistry and in the servic-
ing of Trane centrifugal chillers.
In conjunction with other diagnostics performed by a
qualified service technician, oil analyses can provide
valuable information on the performance of the chiller
to help minimize operating and maintenance costs and
maximize its operating life. A drain fitting is installed in
the oil filter top, after the oil filter, for obtaining oil sam-
Use only Trane OIL00022. A full oil change is 9
gallons of OIL00022.
Oil Change Procedure
Heater Damage!
The oil sump heater must be deenergized before
draining the sump. Failure to do so could possibly
burn out the oil sump heater.
When oil analysis indicates the need to change compres-
sor oil, use the following procedure for removing oil.
Draw the oil from the chiller through the oil charging
valve on the chiller oil sump into an approved, evac-
uated tank; or,
Pump the oil from the chiller through the oil charging
valve into an airtight resealable container, using a
magnetically-driven auxiliary pump.
Forcing the oil from the oil sump by pressurizing the
chiller (by raising chiller temperature or adding nitrogen)
is not recommended. Refrigerant dissolved in the oil
can be removed and returned to the chiller by using an
appropriate deep vacuum recovery unit and heating and
agitating the oil container. Follow all Federal, State, and
Local regulations with regard to disposal of waste oil.
Oil Filter
Replace oil filter: (1) annually, (2) at each oil change, (3)
or if erratic oil pressure is experienced during chiller
Oil Filter Replacement Procedure
Use the following procedure to service the oil filter.
1. Run the oil pump for two to three minutes to ensure
that the oil filter is warmed up to the oil sump tem-
2. Turn the oil pump motor off.
3. Pull the D handle on the rotary valve locking pin out
of its detent and rotate the valve to the DRAIN posi-
tion. An offset pointer is located on top of the valve
with wrench flats to allow turning. The spring force
on the locking pin should allow the pin to drop into a
detent at this position.
4. Allow at least 15 minutes for the oil to drain from the
filter back into the oil sump.
5. Pull the D handle to unlock the pin and rotate the
valve to the Change Filter position. This isolates the
filter from the unit. The locking pin should drop into a
detent in this position.
6. Remove and replace the filter as quickly as possible.
Tighten filter 2/3 to 3/4 turn per instructions written
on the filter. Place the used filter in a reusable con-
tainer. Follow all local, state and federal regulations
to dispose of the filter. Pull the D handle to unlock
the pin and rotate the valve to the RUN position. The
locking pin should drop into a detent in this position.
The chiller is now ready for operation.
7. The oil filter shut off valve uses dual O-Rings to seal
to atmosphere. These should be manually lubricated
by removing the pipe plug at the valve lubrication
port and placing a few drops of Trane OIL00022 or
OIL00334/OIL00335 in the cavity. Be sure to reinstall
the pipe plug when lubrication is completed.
RELEASED 10/Mar/2020 06:59:20 GMT