Getting Size Right
Another problem can be seen and heard, if you hit the second pad in the second row (B2).
You'll notice that there is a lot of "empty space" (silence) where the Sample just doesn't play,
before looping back to the beginning. You can also see in the Remix Deck waveform display on
the TRAKTOR software that the actual audio material takes up half the length of the display
Only half of the display area is filled by the Sample. The Sample is too short…
Let's tighten this up:
Make sure that pad B2 is playing.
Push the SIZE (SPEED) button, which will immediately begin to flash.
Now press and hold the pad B2. Notice the display now shows "2." This means that the
playback "length" is twice as long as the original Sample length.
While holding the pad, rotate the encoder knob counter-clockwise one notch.
Now the display shows "1," which means that the Sample is now playing its normal
length. We can continue turning if we want to just play (and loop in this case) half the
Sample length or a quarter of the length, and so on. You can then simply push on the
encoder to return the sample to its normal length.
Press the SIZE (SPEED) button to exit Size mode.
Press and hold the SHIFT button, and then press the second Mute (STOP) button from
the left to stop the Sample Slot and to reset the playhead to the Sample's start position.
Tutorials and Workflows
Fixing the Second Page of the Sample Grid
TRAKTOR KONTROL F1 - Manual - 40