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8.11.9 Code PROFIBUS-Interface
TR-Mode Position
TR-Mode PVelocity
Defines the output code for the PROFIBUS interface.
8.11.10 Limit switch lower and upper limit
TR-Mode Position
TR-Mode PVelocity
TR-Mode High Resolution
TR-Mode High ResVelocity
Is the status switched on (see Teach-In function page 94 and Status-byte page 102)
the measuring system can inform the master via a bit whether the actual value is
within the limits.
Limit switch bit = 0
Process-actual value
lower limit switch or
Process-actual value
upper limit switch
Limit switch bit = 1
Process-actual value < lower limit switch or
Process-actual value > upper limit switch
The inputs depend on the total measuring length in increments.
Lower limit
Upper limit
programmed total measuring length in increments
– 1
Default Lower limit switch 0
Default Upper limit switch 4096
8.11.11 Velocity [1/x rpm]
TR-Mode PVelocity
TR-Mode High ResVelocity
With this parameter, the specified rotational speed can be scaled in arbitrary steps
between 1/1 and 1/100 rpm. The rotational speed is output as two's complement
value. CW = positive, CCW = negative, with view onto the flange connection.
Default = 1 rpm.