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TR - ECE - BA - DGB - 0104 - 07
Page 135 of 136 Software version
The diagnosis bytes 26-27 show the internal software version of the encoder.
Decoding is performed on the basis of the revision number and revision index (e.g.
1.40 corresponds to 0000 0001 0100 0000 or 0140 (hex) )
Extended diagnosis, bytes 26-27
byte 26
Revision number
byte 27
Revision index Operating hours counter
Extended diagnosis, bytes 28-31
The diagnosis bytes represent an operating hours counter, which is incremented by
one digit every 6 minutes. The measurement unit is therefore 0.1 hours.
If the function is not supported, the operating hours counter is set to the maximum
value FFFFFFFF (hex).
The encoders count the operating hours. In order to keep the bus load low, a
diagnosis telegram with the latest counter reading is sent, but only after each
parameterization or if an error has to be reported, however not if everything is working
correctly and only the counter has changed. The state of the last parameterization is
therefore always shown in the online diagnosis. Offset value
Extended diagnosis, bytes 32-35
The diagnosis bytes show the offset value to the absolute position of the scan, which
is calculated when carrying out the preset function. Manufacturer's offset value
Extended diagnosis, bytes 36-39
The diagnosis bytes show an additional offset value to the absolute position of the
scan, which is calculated when carrying out the preset function. Number of steps per revolution
Extended diagnosis, bytes 40-43
The diagnosis bytes show the projected steps per revolution of the encoder. Total measuring range
Extended diagnosis, bytes 44-47
The diagnosis bytes show the projected measurement length in encoder steps. Serial number
Extended diagnosis, bytes 48-57
The diagnosis bytes show the serial number of the encoder. If this function is not
supported, asterisks ********** (hex code 0x2A) are displayed.