Preliminary User's Manual l TQMa65xx UM 0001 l © 2021, TQ-Systems GmbH
Page 21
Power supply
The TQMa65xx only requires a single power supply of 5 V ±5 %.
The TQMa65xx provides the voltages VDD_SD, VCC3V3S, VCC3V3, VCC1V8L1 and VCC1V8, at the TQMa65xx connectors.
These voltages can be fed back to the TQMa65xx on the carrier board according to customer requirements.
The voltages generated on the TQMa65xx may only be used for the TQMa65xx itself.
A further load by circuitry on a carrier board is not permitted and can lead to errors in supply and monitoring.
Attention: Malfunction or destruction, overvoltage
The voltage monitoring does not detect an exceedance of the maximum permitted input voltage.
A too high input voltage can lead to malfunctions, premature aging or destruction of the TQMa65xx.
TQMa65xx power-up sequencing
The power-up sequencing is carried out and monitored independently by the TQMa65xx.
During power-up the POR# is held low. The power-up sequence is controlled by the Board Controller.
Attention: Cross supply during power-up
To avoid cross-supply and errors during the power-up sequence, no I/O pins may be driven by
external components until the power-up sequence has been completed.
The end of the sequence is indicated by a high level of signal POR#_OUT.
Power consumption
Power modes
The AM65xx supports several Standby-Modes. Further information can be found in the AM65x documentation (1), (2).
Not all Low-Power Modes are available. The DeeperSleep Mode is currently not supported.