User's Manual l TQMLS10xxA UM 0105 l © 2022, TQ-Systems GmbH
Page 15
Temperature sensor with EEPROM, SE97B
Temperature sensor, SE97B
A temperature sensor SE97B is assembled on the TQMLS10xxA, which measures the environmental temperature.
Figure 12: Block diagram SE97B temperature sensor
The temperature sensor has I
C address
The accuracy of the temperature sensor is as follows:
Max. ±1 °C b75 °C and +95 °C
Max. ±2 °C b40 °C and +125 °C
Max. ±3 °C between –40 °C and +125 °C
Signal TEMP_CRIT_MOD# of the temperatures sensor is routed to the TQMLS10xxA connector. It provides a warning at a
programmed trigger level. During power-up the sensor is configured to T_CRIT_LOKAL = +95 °C by the Board Controller.
This value can be overwritten by the boot loader, the operating system, or the application.
The signal has an Open Drain output, a Pull-Up to 3.3 V is provided on the TQMLS10xxA.
The SE97B also contains a 2 Kbit (256 × 8 Bit) EEPROM. The EEPROM is divided into two parts.
The lower 128 bytes (00h to 7Fh) can be Permanent Write Protected (PWP) or Reversible Write Protected (RWP) by software.
The upper 128 bytes (80h to FFh) are not write protected and can be used for general purpose data storage.
Figure 13: Memory Map SE97B EEPROM
The EEPROM can be accessed with the following two I
C addresses.
EEPROM (Normal Mode):
EEPROM (Protected Mode):