How to setup Personal Wifi access point to be used in locations not
covered by eduroam.
This is advice on how to reset / configure TP-link access points to be used within college, only in
areas that are NOT covered by eduroam/St Johns Wifi.
If you have a new access point for the network, please skip the reset steps below and move onto
step 2. configuring your device.
If you have an access point that has been previously configured by us for the old network
then you will need to reset the device back to its default settings.
TP-Link WR702N -WR802N -WR810N – WR710N
With a paper clip (or other small pointy object) press
and hold in the reset button with the router switched
on until the status light flashed quickly then turns off
for 2 seconds and back on.
TP-Link WR841N – WR843ND
With unit powered on press and hold the wps/reset button on the back of
the device until all lights go solid and turn off and back on again.
TP-Link WA701ND – WA801ND – WA901ND
With unit powered on press and hold the wps/reset button on the back of
the device until all lights go solid and turn off and back on again.
Configuring device of use.
We suggest using the TP-Link default broadcast name
(SSID) and security passwords/PINs.
** If you wish to change this defaults (SSID and Password) please
refer to manufactures documentation.
You will need to register your access point, to do this you will need the MAC address from your
device this will be printed on the back or bottom of the unit. As well as registering any device you
wish to connect to this access point.
To do this go to the device registration pages via link below. As well as further instructions.