Chapter 8
USB Settings
To Set up Authentication for Data Security
You can set up authentication for your USB device so that network clients will be
required to enter the username and password when accessing the USB disk.
Sharing Account
, choose
Use Default Account
Use New Account
. The
user name and password are both admin for the default account. If your choose
Use New Account
, you have to customize the username and a password.
For Windows users, do not set the sharing username the same as the Windows username. Otherwise, Windows
credential mechanism may cause the following problems:
• If the sharing password is also the same as the Windows password, authentication will not work since the Windows
system will automatically use its account information for USB access.
• If the sharing password is different from the Windows password, the Windows system will be unable to remember your
credentials and you will always be required to enter the sharing password for USB access.
Specify the folder(s) to enable authentication.
• If you want to enable authentication for all folders, leave
Share All
enabled, and
toggle on
Enable Authentication
• If you want to enable authentication for specific folders, disable
Share All
to specify the folders, and select
Enable Authentication