Piping Work
The piping work for network wiring is described also in 4.2.2 Key Points for Design. Install exclu-
sive metal conduits for noise prevention. (See the figure below.)
(*) Since the rising length from the trunk line metal conduit to the loom varies with the actual piping
method, provide sufficient margin (about 4 to 5 m) when calculating the cable length beforehand.
Note: Install metal conduit to pass the cable from each loom to the respective switching hub. The
diameter of the metal conduit rising from the trunk metal conduit to the loom must be Dia. 30 mm or
above, and the diameter of the trunk conduit should be determined according to the number of net-
work cables.
Prepare the power supply (100 or 200 VAC) for each switching hub at each place for installation.
If a shielded cable is used as a network cable, a grounding wire is necessary. Use the common
power supply and grounding for all switching hubs. If the power supply voltage is not stable, use
a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) for stabilized power supply. (See 4.2.5 “Wiring Sample Dia-
Note: The computer is a precision electronic device. Select a location where it can be protected from
fluffs and condensation. If it is to be installed inside the plant, house it in a metal box for protection.
Metal conduit
To switching hub
Network cable
To network
(within control panel)
To network
(within control panel)
To the network
(within control panel)
To the network
(within control panel)
Metal conduit
To switching hub
Network cable
Dia. 30 or above
Length from floor to
connector 1.5 m