Network Design
Network design is made for the following purposes:
To determine the laying routes of network cables and the power line.
To determine the lengths and quantities of necessary materials.
To determine the locations for installation of the computer, switching hubs and the router.
The network is designed according to the following steps:
1) Preparing the plant layout
2) Dividing the looms into groups as required
3) Determining the locations of the computer, router and switching hubs
4) Checking the network wiring routes
5) Network equipment selection and ordering
1) Preparing the plant layout
Prepare the plant layout that allows precise grasp of dimensional information such as the plant
area, pole positions and computer room position.
If loom positions are not described I the plant layout drawing, enter their positions. Each loom
may be drawn as a rectangle. The loom length and positions, however, should be drawn as accu-
rate as possible.
Plant layout example
(Prepare a drawing allowing precise grasp of space and other dimensions.)