Installation for Toto Eco Washer: TCW07 model
This bidet kit is suitable for most bottom inlet toilet
cisterns and Australian “round style” toilet pans with
140mm mounting-hole centres.
1. Remove your old toilet seat and clean up any ‘yuck’ left on the toilet pan with
bleach or CLR and an abrasive pad (use gently), then rinse off and dry.
Remove the Toto bidet seat from its packaging and identify the different
components of the kit. Isolate the plastic bag containing the 2 black rubber
mounting tubes with the stainless steel screws and plastic locating washers.
Take the rubber tubes and remove the stainless steel screws. These
mounting tubes are the correct length for toilet pans with deep mounting
holes; but for most Australian pans these rubbers will need to be made
2. Using side-cutters or scissors, cut these rubbers where shown in the photos
left. If your toilet pan is thicker than about 15mm at the mounting holes; you
should make the second cut on these mounting rubbers at the end of the next
straight section (so that you only remove the top rounded section).
3. Now push the top part of the rubbers (with the flanges up) down into the
mounting holes on the top of the toilet pan.
4. Place the mounting plate on the top of the pan – initially in the rearwards
most position and lined up with these rubbers. Place the stainless steel
screws with plastic locators through the mounting plate so they protrude
through the mounting holes. The photo left shows a mounting plate which
has been modified to fit a toilet pan with 150mm hole centers. (We didn’t
have a toilet pan with 140mm mounting holes available for these photos)