Chapter 13
If Something Goes Wrong
Some problems you may encounter when using your Magnia SG20 are relatively easy to
identify and solve. Others may require help from your dealer or Toshiba.
Problems when you turn on the Magnia SG20
The LCD panel remains dim and does not brighten.
Make sure you attached the power cable properly at both ends.
Unplug the Magnia SG20 and plug it back in again.
The LCD display brightens, but does not display the “Magnia SG20” message.
The initial power to the Magnia SG20 did not fully trigger the warming up process. You
should unplug the Magnia SG20, and then plug it back in. If the problem repeats itself,
use a pen or paperclip to push the reset button that resides inside the tiny reset hole on
the back panel of the Magnia SG20.
The system reset button is just inside the tiny hole labeled Reset
The “Magnia SG20” message does not go away.
It should normally show this message for 30 seconds to a minute. However, if the Magnia
SG20 was powered off abruptly and not shut down as expected, then the warming up
message could take up to five minutes.
It is also possible that your primary hard disk drive cannot be recognized. If you recently
inserted a new hard disk drive or adjusted your hard disk drive(s), check your hard disk
drive connection(s). You might want to remove and reinsert your hard disk drive(s).
The Magnia SG20 does not display the expected “Magnia SG20” and date/time messages.
Make sure you attached the power cable properly.