How to Use
nitions in
B. Glossary (Index)
Accessories ...................................................... 12
Access list ......................................................... 38
Administrator .................................................... 32
Alarm setting ............................................ 45, 46
Audio output ........ 41, Quick Start Guide: 12
Audio setting .................................................... 41
Browser .................................................................. 3
Software to browse Web screens.
Corporation Internet Explorer
Camera name .................................... ............. ... 31
Confi guration ....................................... .............. 30
Contents ......................... ...................... .............. 12
DDNS ......................................... ............. ............. 37
(Dynamic Domain Name System)
This is the technique to overwrite the
i n f o r m a t i o n o f D N S(D o m a i n N a m e
System)server dynamically and forward
only different informations between DNS
Because of this, it enables to reduce
forwarding data which are needed to renew
information of DNS server, and reduce
overhead of the network. When combined
with DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol), it is possible to assign IP
address and host name right away as the
host on the LAN changes.
Default gateway .............................................. 34
Network devices cannot communicate
directly with devices in other networks.
In this case, communication becomes
possible by using devices like a router.
Default gateway is the IP address of the
DHCP ................................................................... 34
(Dynamic Host Confi guration Protocol)
This is the protocol to assign IP address
dynamically to each client on TCP/IP
network. DHCP server controls information
of IP address, gateway address, domain
name and subnet mask and can assign
these to client.
Digital In/Out .................................................... 31
(Digital input/output)
Digital zoom ....................................................... 19
DNS ...................................................................... 34
(Domain Name System)
Domain Name Systems translates IP
addresses into names making it easier to
manage hosts.
Ethernet cable .................................................. 13
E-mail ................................................................... 48
Firmware ............................................................. 29
Program to run this product. It is installed
in the fl ash memory, and can be updated
from PC by using PC upload function of
the WEB.
Frame rate .......................................................... 26
The rate of number of pictures that are
translated in a second.
Frame size .......................................................... 40
FTP ....................................................................... 35
(File Transfer Protocol)
A protocol to transfer file(s) to and from
o t h e r n e t w o r k d e v i c e s . T h e n e t w o r k
camera supports both active.
HTTP port number ........................................... 35
Image settings ................................................. 42
Installation Wizard .......Quick Start Guide: 16
I/O terminal block ............................................. 14
IP address .......................................................... 34
Unique string of numbers that identifies
network devices. All devices communicate
w i t h I P m u s t h a v e I P a d d r e s s e s . I P
address can be divided into network ID
and host ID.