Advanced Features of DocBuilder Pro
Finishing area
In the Finishing area, you can specify the binding method and compensate
automatically for creep according to the grouping of signatures in the job and the way
in which the job is to be bound.
To enable binding settings and disable gang printing, select Binding. When binding
settings are enabled, you can click the Binding menu to specify Saddle, Perfect, or
Nested Saddle as the binding method. DocBuilder Pro compensates automatically for
binder’s creep according to the specified binding method, the number of sheets in a
group, the layout in use, and the size of the job.
—a group of folded sheets stitched or stapled on a common, centered fold line.
Saddle-stitched binding is the most common type of binding, and is usually used for
—signatures folded and stacked for binding. The spine edges are trimmed and
glued together.
Nested Saddle
—combination of saddle and perfect binding methods. As with saddle
stitch, pages are grouped together and stapled or stitched across a common center fold.
The saddle groups are then stacked one on top of another and glued as with perfect
binding. When imposing a book for nested saddle binding, you specify the number of
sheets in each saddle; this number is called a group.
If you have selected a layout with more than two columns or rows, the Binding
selection will be unavailable. A layout with three or more columns or rows cannot be
bound as a book or booklet because the pages must be cut from the sheet, not simply
folded over.