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© Tone Shapers, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 


Tone Shapers, Inc.

4913 US Highway 1

Vero Beach, FL 32967

(772) 217-8662

George Ellison


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ToneShaper 2

for Telecaster®

Switch - SW5C


Your decision to purchase a ToneShaper was a good one! Your 

new toy should give you lots of tone tweaking enjoyment, and 

will prove to be a valuable tool in getting the tone you’re looking 

for from your guitar. Please read over these instructions to 

become acquainted with your new unit, and keep them handy 

for future reference.


We’ve included everything you’ll need. The first step is to 

remove the control plate from your guitar, and then remove the 

old switch and pots from your control plate. You’ll also remove 

the existing jack. Disconnect the pickup leads and any ground 

wires from the old electronics and strip 1/4” of insulation from 

the ends of the wires to prepare them for connection to the 


The ToneShaper is designed to fit perfectly on a Fender control 

plate, but other brands of plates may require modification if their 

hole spacing varies from Fender’s.

Put the included internal-tooth lockwashers (star washers) over 

the ToneShaper’s two pot shafts, then insert the two pot shafts 

into the control plate’s holes. If you find that the holes are too 

small, then they’re probably sized for metric pots and need to be 

enlarged to 3/8”. The flat washers go on the outside of the plate.

The switch will be connected next.  The ToneShaper’s function 

set is determined by the switch that’s plugged into it, but all 

switches will connect to the board in the same way. It’s easiest 

to let the switch actuator (the lever, or blade) poke through the 

slot in the control plate while you plug the plastic connector onto 

the circuit board. Even though we’ve attached a standoff to help 

support the circuit board, keep in mind that the portion where 

the switch attaches is very thin, so while it’s fairly strong, you 

can break it if you’re not careful.  It’s best to support the 

underside of the board with a finger while you slide the connec-

tor on. 

With the actuator poking through the slot in the plate, line up the 

connector (the black thing attached to the switch in the following 

illustration) with the pins on the circuit board and push them 

down as far as they’ll go. The illustration shows a 4-way switch, 

but all switches will attach in the same way.

Finally, attach the switch to the plate with the two 6-32 screws 

provided. Again, if your guitar is imported then the screw holes 

in your plate may be sized for metric screws, and may need to 

be enlarged slightly to accommodate the SAE screws. 

The pickup leads and the grounds that you prepared earlier will 

now be connected to the terminal block on the board as shown 

below. Simply depress the plunger as shown, insert the stripped 

section of the wire, and release the plunger. To ensure a solid 

connection, verify that the spring contact down inside the 

terminal block is in direct contact with the wire, not the wire’s 


If your pickups have cloth wire (sometimes called “push back” 

wire), the cloth insulation will fit perfectly into the slots on the 

terminal block. The key is to strip the wire, rather than push 

back the insulation. If you push back the insulation it will bunch 

up, increasing its diameter and preventing it from fitting down 

into the slot.


This ToneShaper configuration is designed for Teles with three 

coils, so this can mean either a single-coil plus a humbucker, or 

three single coils (Nashville Teles). The connections will vary 

depending on your pickup configuration.

The circuit board is labelled just in front of the terminal block, 

and we’ll refer to these labels. Please note that the color codes 

we've listed apply to Seymour Duncan's standard product line. If 

you're using some other pickup line(s), then you'll need to 

research their color codes in order to connect your pickups 

properly.  In some cases you may find that our instructions 

deviate from Duncan's, because we're considering things like 

hum-canceling combinations that wouldn't normally be encoun-

tered.  If our instructions deviate from Duncan's, then use ours, 

not Duncan's.

Also, be advised that our instructions are taking into account 

Duncan's specific wind direction and magnet orientation. Other 

manufacturer's pickups may not follow the same conventions, 

so you'll need to determine how your pickups are oriented if you 

want to get best results.

This is a much deeper topic than most guitar players realize, 

and it has nothing to do with the ToneShaper, it has to do with 

guitar wiring in general. We've seen many instances of people 

hooking up pickups in incompatible ways, where at best they 

don't get hum-cancelling when they should, and at worst have 

pickups that are out-of-phase, or have grounding issues or other 

problems, like covers that are connected to hot, etc.

Want to avoid the hassle?  Then buy pickups from us.  We have 

pickups from several manufacturers at fair prices, and we order

(and in some cases special-order) pickups to work specifically

with each other, in sets, that complement our ToneShaper 

products. This is one way to ensure that you're getting the most 

out of your ToneShaper. Give us a call if you’d like more info.

Tele Humbucker Neck



Misc ground (string ground, shielding, etc.)



Humbucker drain wire


Jack ground (black)


Jack hot (white)


Bridge pickup ground (black)


Bridge pickup hot (yellow)


Neck pickup ground (white)

HB S/L   

Neck pickup series link (black/green)


Not used


Neck pickup hot (red)

Tele Strat Neck** (middle position) + Tele Neck



Misc ground (string ground, shielding, etc.)



Neck pickup cover


Jack ground (black)


Jack hot (white)


Bridge pickup ground (black)


Bridge pickup hot (yellow)


Neck pickup ground (black)

HB S/L   

Mid ground (black) + neck hot (white)


Not used


Middle pickup hot (white)


A Duncan Strat neck will hum-cancel when combined with a 

Duncan Tele neck, while a RWRP Strat middle won’t.

Assuming you’re using a covered neck humbucker with 

4-conductor leads

, it will have a bare “drain” wire.  This will be 

connected to one of the ground points (GND). Take care that the 

wire doesn’t inadvertently touch anything that it shouldn’t, by 

covering it with heat-shrink tubing or tape.

The term “series link”

 refers to the two wires that are used to 

join the coils of a humbucker together in series. You’ll only have 

this if your humbucker uses 3-conductor or 4-conductor wire. If 

your humbucker uses single-conductor braided wire, where you 

see a metal braid around the outside of the wire, then you won’t 

be able to use it with the ToneShaper with a 4-way or 5-way 

switch, though you may use it with a 3-way switch, in which 

case you would connect it like a normal Tele neck pickup.

In order to use a humbucker with either a 4-way or 5-way 

switch, you’ll need a 3-conductor or 4-conductor humbucker.  

Most manufacturers use 4-conductor wire, so it’s much more 

likely that your pickup will be 4-conductor than 3-conductor.

Unfortunately, there’s no universal color-coding standard applied 

to pickups, so you’ll have to determine the correct color-coding 

for the pickup you’re going to use.

If you’re using a single-coil neck pickup with a cover

, the 

cover may need to be isolated and connected to ground 

independently of the pickup’s wires. There’s a good possibility 

that the manufacturer has connected the cover to the pickup’s 

ground wire with a short jumper as shown in the following 

illustration, assuming this wire would always be connected to 

ground, but when the neck and middle pickups are connected in 

series this isn’t necessarily the case.

In our second connection example, we’ve connected the Tele 

neck pickup’s ground wire to the HB GND slot, so there would 

be no need to isolate the cover. But in some other cases the 

neck pickup’s ground wire would be connected to the HB S/L 

slot instead, in which case you would 


 to isolate the cover. 

To do this, you would disconnect the cover from the pickup’s 

ground wire by severing the jumper, and add a separate length 

of wire to the cover, then connect it to GND as shown above. 

Refer to the illustration below.


As we stated previously, this whole pickup thing is a 

deeper topic than many people realize. There’s no way that this 

instruction manual can cover every scenario, or act as a primer 

on all the subtle nuances of pickup connection.

In the end, you may have to do a little homework to determine 

the best way to connect your pickups, especially if you’re 

combining pickups from different manufacturers. The other 

option is to buy a set of pickups from us, where we’ve done the 

work for you.

The final connections will be the grounds.

 If you’re using a 

vintage-style bridge pickup with a metal plate on the bottom, it’s 

most likely that this plate provides the string ground, and so no 

further grounding of the bridge will be required. However, if you 

don’t have a bridge pickup with this type of construction, then 

you’ll probably have a wire coming into the control cavity from 

the bridge, and this will be connected to one of the ground 

points marked GND. If you have a wire that is screwed to the 

cavity shielding (certain Fender models - see illustration below), 

then this will also be connected to any of these ground points.

Now you should be ready to physically install the control plate 

on the guitar.  Feed the jack into the cavity so that it reaches 

down to the ferrule and secure it with the nut and washers 

provided (lock washer inside, flat washer outside). Then gently 

press the control plate down to the body and screw it into place.

Good work! Now go enjoy yourself a nice sarsaparilla.


Okay, let’s put this baby through its paces.

The ToneShaper has been designed to be really simple to use. 

Once installed, you can make changes to its configuration by 

simply removing the control plate and flipping it over, then 

manipulating some mini switches. The mini switches that are 

used are large enough for many people to move with their 

fingernails, but we’ve also included a dandy pointed stick that 

you fingernail-challenged folks can use instead.

As you might expect, the mini switches have an OFF side and 

an ON side:

This is pretty straightforward, but in the interest of making things 

really clear and easy-to-discern in the rest of this manual, we’re 

going to use color coding to illustrate when switches are on, off, 

or optional, as follows:



= ON










Here’s a picture of the ToneShaper:

There are three switches (SW1 - SW3), a volume kit (A), and a 

bank of tone capacitors (B), which has a .015µF, .022µF, 

.033µF, and .047µF capacitor (µF means “microfarad”).

SW1 and SW2 are used to set up the ToneShaper for use with 

the various pickup selector switches (3-way, 4-way, or 5-way).

SW3 turns the caps in bank B on and off (see how they’re 

beside each other?), and assigns them to the tone control. You 

can turn on any one, but you can also turn on more than one. 

When you add capacitors together in parallel (as we’re doing 

here), their values add. So if you turn on, say, the .022µF cap 

and the .033µF cap, you’ll have the equivalent of a .055µF cap. 

And turning on the .015µF, .022µF, and .033µF caps will give 

you the equivalent of a .07µF cap. There are in fact 15 possible 

values that can be achieved by turning on one or more of the 

four caps, ranging from .015µF to .117µF.


The volume kit is a resistor/capacitor that can be engaged to 

address the problem of treble roll-off that accompanies rolling 

back your guitar’s volume control. Perhaps you’re aware of this. 

When you roll the volume control down, there is a discernible 

tonal change that comes along for the ride. This is the case with 

all vintage Teles, and it’s something that many people have 

never noticed, while it drives other people crazy. The volume kit 

may be switched on or off at almost any time, it’s use is optional. 

If you check it out then you’ll find that the treble roll-off that 

exists without it really is there, even though you may never have 

noticed. To engage the volume kit, you’ll turn on SW1-1 as 

shown above.


Some people don’t like the idea of a volume kit, saying that it 

brings it’s own baggage to the party. There’s another way to 

address the treble roll-off issue that involves having the tone pot 

receive its signal from the volume pot’s output, rather than from 

the switch. Of course, this makes the tone and volume controls 

interactive, so this method has its own trade-off. Still, there are 

many people who swear by this method, so we’ve incorporated 

it into the ToneShaper.

By the way, we call this the “billy mod”, after Billy Wagner, the 

killin’ (and illin‘) Tele player who first brought it to our attention.


We’ve put the volume kit under the microscope and find that it’s 

an effective solution to what some consider to be a problem, 

with no discernible negative consequence. Let’s qualify that: no 

negative consequence that we can discern, though you may 

hear things that we don’t.

In the end, it’s all just opinion. Tone is always about opinion, 

there is no wrong or right. The thinking with the ToneShaper is 

that we’ll provide all of the options so you can try them all and 

make up your own mind. So please, experiment! People often 

agonize over these things, reading opinions on forum sites in an 

attempt to sniff out the prevailing wisdom. Our approach is to 

make it easy for you to try different things to see what works for 


Tone is like art: your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, 

draw your own conclusions.


Okay, enough, let’s get on with the party!

5-Way Switch - Tele Bridge - Humbucker Neck

No Billy Mod

See those blue switches? They’re on, and the black switches 

are off. The magenta switch is the volume kit, and you can turn 

it on if you choose to. And the yellow switches are the caps for 

the tone control - turn on one or more of them.

By the way, switches 5 & 6 on SW3 are the switches that turn on 

the 500k/250k volume pot functionality. By default, we ship the 

5-way ToneShapers with a 500k volume pot, which accommo-

dates the humbucker. If SW3 switches 5 & 6 are left off, then all 

five positions at left will “see” a 500k volume pot. However, 

turning on SW3 switches 5 & 6 as shown will have the effect of 

reducing the load in positions 1-4.  So positions 1-4 will see a 

250k volume pot, while position 5 will see a 500k volume pot. 

This will more closely approximate the values that these pickups 

were originally voiced with. 

Now you have the idea. The ToneShaper is very simple to use, 

and once you get used to the color codes you’ll be able to 

quickly and easily make any changes you need to.


The illustrations at right will show you the active pickups in each 

of the switch positions. Active pickups are shown in orange. 

Series pairs are shown in red.








5-Way Switch - Three Single-Coils (Nashville Tele)

With Billy Mod


The illustrations at right will show you the active pickups in each 

of the switch positions. Active pickups are shown in orange. 

Series pairs are shown in red.
