2700-4001_22 IMA Manual
Last Revision: 12/14/2021
Linear distance traveled = (motor revolutions) * (screw lead)
Linear Speed = ([motor RPM]/60) * (screw lead)
Linear Thrust (kN) = Motor torque (Nm) * 2 * π * pitch (rev/mm) * screw efficiency
Linear Thrust (lbf) = Motor torque (in•lb) * 2 * π * pitch (rev/in) * screw efficiency
Motor RMS current must be maintained at a level below the continuous current rating of the Tolomatic IMA
Actuator or damage to the motor stator will result.
The peak current setting must be maintained at a level below the peak current rating of the Tolomatic IMA Actuator
or damage to the motor stator will result.
Care should be taken to not exceed the physical travel limits of the Tolomatic IMA Actuator. Doing so will cause the
actuator to reach mechanical end of stroke internally. Although protected by the end of stroke bumpers, repeatedly
reaching internal end of stroke can physically damage the screw and the internal components of the actuator.
Power and Feedback cable lengths shall not exceed 10 meters. If the application requires cable lengths longer
than 10 meters, please contact Tolomatic engineering for review.
4.3 Cold Temperature Startup Procedure
If startup ambient temperature is between 0-10 degrees Celsius, it is recommended to cycle the Tolomatic IMA
Actuator (see recommended motion profile below) to bring the temperature up to operating temperature before
proceeding with operating or calibrating the system. Initiating this startup procedure will lower the friction caused by
cold temperatures and result in more accurate calibration of the system and better force repeatability performance
during operation. If a motion profile other than recommended below will be used for the Cold Temperature Startup
Procedure, contact Tolomatic for review of the motion profile before operating the actuator.
Recommended Motion Profile:
Extend & retract full stroke of actuator at linear speed of 150 mm/sec for 5 or 4 mm lead screws and 300
mm/sec for 10 mm lead screws
Dwell 1 second
Repeat 75 times
4.4 Planning Your Installation
To operate the actuator in compliance with the relevant safety regulations maximum performance limits must be
When mounting your actuator in vertical or inclined positions be sure to include safety measures that control the