CardVisor Application Installation & Setup
The CardVisor software is stored in the flash memory of the Palm Z22 computer. It is
stored in non-volatile memory, which means it is protected, even if the battery drains
completely. All you have to do is recharge to regain access to your information. If the
application is manually deleted or erased due to a hard reset, then it will be
necessary to re-install on the Palm computer using the Palm Desktop installation
software (i.e. HotSyncing).
Associating Calendar & Contact Buttons with CardVisor and/or MemoPad Application
The Calendar and Contact Buttons are associated with the CardVisor and MemoPad
application from the factory. In the event of a Hard Reset which resets all the Palm
settings and in the case when the Palm has not been backed up via the Hotsync
Process, it is necessary to re-associate these buttons with the above applications.
To make the CardVisor application launch when the Calendar button is pressed or
see the license data when the Contacts button is pressed, tap on the ‘Home’ icon in
the graffiti area and then tap on the ‘Prefs’ icon on the main screen. Once in the
preferences application, select ‘buttons’ and from the pull down menu next to the
Calendar button, highlight CardVisor. Do likewise on the Contacts button for Memos.
Once completed, these buttons will launch CardVisor or MemoPad which either starts
the age verification program or reviews the stored transaction data.
Non-Volatile Memory
The Palm Z22 uses non-volatile memory. This means the information on your
handheld is protected — even if you're on the go and don't have time to recharge.
The non-volatile memory keeps your information safe, even if your battery drains
completely. All you have to do is recharge to regain access to your information.
IDvisor Hardware Manual
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