TM 9-1829A, April 1944
33. Disassembly
Remove bezel and glass:
The method used to remove bezel depends on whether it is a rolled, crimped or
“pressed-on” bezel.
Removing rolled bezel:
Pry bezel loose (with screwdriver) at two points about
inch apart. Use cutting
pliers and tear out this section of bezel (fig. 51) and pull bezel off (fig. 52).
Removing crimped bezel:
Pry bezel up at crimped points (using screwdriver) and pull it off.
Removing “pressed-on” bezel:
Remove mounting flange (if used). Using bezel remover (T-42358)
drive bezel off (fig. 77).
Figure 77: Driving off pressed-on bezel, using remover (T-42358)
Remove pointer and face dial:
On instruments where dial reads clockwise, remove pointer by grasping hub
between thumb and forefinger and twisting gently in counterclockwise direction (against stop), at the same
time pulling pointer outward carefully (fig. 78). On instruments where dial reads counterclockwise, remove
pointer in same manner, as above, except twist in clockwise direction. Remove face dial screws and lift off
face dial.
Note: On some models the face dial is held in place by lugs or ears (instead of screws) which must
be straightened out before the face dial can be removed.
Figure 78: Removing pointer